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ORSP Research Development
University of Mississippi

Chancellor’s Awards for Research and Creative Scholarship (The ARCs)

Each year, a nomination and selection process will be held to recognize up to nine UM faculty who have recently distinguished themselves through accomplishments in research or creative scholarship. Award winners (one in each of nine categories defined by rank and broad disciplinary area) and their guests will be invited to a reception and dinner in their honor on the eve of the The University of Mississippi Research and Scholarly Activity Showcase.

The nomination window for The ARC Awards has closed.

Please email with any questions.

Award Categories

Assistant Professor

Associate Professor


Arts and Humanities 1 2 3
Social and Behavioral Sciences 4 5 6
Life, Physical, Mathematical, & Engineering Sciences 7 8 9

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: When are nominations due?
A: March 24, 2025. NOTE: This is a change; in the original request for nominations, the deadline had been set to March 17.

Q: Are center directors eligible to be nominated?
A: Yes, as long as they are otherwise eligible, directors and co-directors of UM centers and institutes can be nominated. NOTE: This is a change; in the original request for nominations, directors were excluded from being nominated.

Q: Who should the letter writers be? Should they be internal to UM, or can they be from outside UM?
A: There are no restrictions. The letter writers can be, for example, anyone who is familiar with your scholarly work over the last (up to) six years (since you have been at UM), or some aspect of it, and its impact or importance to the field, a benefited community, or society in general.

Q: Can a center director be the nominator?
A: Yes, a tenured or tenure track UM faculty member who happens to be a center director or chair (but not an associate dean or dean) may nominate someone else for an ARC.

Q: Are self nominations allowed?
A: Yes, an otherwise eligible faculty member may nominate themselves.

Q: Can a dean, associate dean, center director, or department chair be nominated?
A: No, for this first year at least, deans, associate deans, center directors, and department chairs may not be nominated by themselves or others. In future years, we will explore expanding the eligibility beyond this group.

Q: Are research scientists eligible for nominations or awards?
A: No, for this first year at least, only tenured or tenure track faculty are eligible to be nominated for an award. In future years, we will explore expanding the eligibility beyond this group.

Q: I am a full-time UM faculty member but I’m not on tenured or on a tenure track. Am I eligible to be nominated for an award?
A: No, for this first year at least, only tenured or tenure track faculty are eligible to be nominated for an award. In future years, we will explore expanding the eligibility beyond this group.

Q: I am a full-time UM faculty member but I’m not on tenured or on a tenure track. Can I nominate someone else?
A: Yes, any UM full-time UM faculty member can serve as a nominator.

Q: I am a center director or department chair. Can I nominate someone else for an award?
A: Yes, center directors and department chairs (and any other full-time UM faculty members, excluding deans or associate deans) are invited to be nominators.

Q: Is there a limit to how many nominations I can make?
A: Yes, each eligible nominator may nominate up to one assistant professor, one associate professor, and one full professor for an award in a given year.

Q: Is there a limit to how many letters of recommendation I can provide in support of nominations by others?
A: No, there is no limit on the number of letters of recommendation you can provide.

Q: Can deans and associate deans provide letters of recommendation?
A: Yes. While deans and associate deans can’t nominate anyone, they can provide any number of letters of recommendation in support of nominations by others.