Pre-Approved List (PAL) of EFG Funding Opportunities
The following funding opportunities have been reviewed by ORSP Research Development and determined to be acceptable ones for UM graduate students to potentially receive EFG Scholarships for applying to. Note that even with these “pre-approved” funding opportunities, an UM Internal EFG Notice of Intent (NOI) must be submitted at least 6 weeks prior to the funding opportunity deadline, so that we can determine whether you are eligible to apply, make sure there are EFG funds still available, and send any additional instructions you may need from an institutional perspective. Students who do not submit a timely internal NOI will not be eligible for EFG Scholarship consideration, but may still choose to apply for the external funding opportunity.
If you find an opportunity that is not on the list, and would like to have it considered for inclusion, please email it to at least 8 weeks before the sponsor’s posted due date. If we think it is appropriate, we will add it to this list.
NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP)
Overview: Supports fellowships for outstanding graduate students who are pursuing full-time, research-based masters and doctoral degrees in science, technology, engineering or math or STEM education.
Award Amount: Each Fellowship provides three years of support over a five-year fellowship period. For each of the three years of support, NSF provides a $37,000 stipend and $12,000 cost of education allowance to the graduate degree-granting institution of higher education for each Fellow who uses the support in a fellowship year.
Who is the Sponsor? The National Science Foundation (NSF)
Who is the Applicant? The student.
Who is the Awardee? (Who does the check from the sponsor go to?) The Fellowship award is made to the institution of higher education at which a Fellow is enrolled and the institution is responsible for disbursement of the stipend to the Fellow.
Funding Type: Fellowship
Due Date: October of each year. The exact due date is listed in the solicitation which is generally issued in the summer.
Eligibility: U.S. citizens, nationals, or permanent residents who are senior undergraduates planning to apply for, or 1st or 2nd-year graduate students currently enrolled in, research-based STEM graduate programs. For additional information about eligibility, see the latest program solicitation.
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Additional Web Page:
UM Web Page(s):
Additional Info:
University Nuclear Leadership Program (UNLP) Graduate Fellowship
Overview: Provides $169,000 over three years to support graduate research in a qualifying program at a UNLP-approved college or university, and an accompanying one-time summer internship at a DOE national laboratory or approved facility.
Award Amount: During each of the three years, a 12-month $39,000 stipend to the fellow; $14,000 for the institution to pay for the student’s tuition, books, and fees; and a $1,000 travel allowance. There will also be a $7,000 internship travel and housing allowance for one summer.
Who is the Sponsor? The Department of Energy’s Office of Nuclear Energy (NE).
Who is the Applicant? The student.
Who is the Awardee? (Who does the check from the sponsor go to?) The educational institution in which the student is enrolled, who will then pay the stipend to the student, and pay their other expenses as indicated.
Funding Type: Fellowship
Due Date: January. See the current solicitation for the exact due date.
Eligibility: Applications will be accepted from U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents attending (or planning to attend) an eligible UNLP-approved college or university to pursue a graduate degree in a science or engineering program of study related to nuclear energy, such as such as nuclear engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, chemistry, health physics, nuclear materials science, radiochemistry, applied nuclear physics, nuclear policy, radiation protection technology, nuclear power technology, nuclear maintenance technology, nuclear engineering technology, computer science, or cybersecurity. Students are encouraged to apply to this opportunity even if their university is yet UNLP-approved. NE will work with new universities to get them through the approval process prior to the distribution of any award funds. Students may be senior undergraduates; college graduates who have not yet begun graduate study; or 1st-year graduate students at the time of the application, and have maintained at 3.25 GPA at their undergraduate institution and a 3.5 GPA at their graduate institution (if applicable) at the time of application. For more details about eligibility, see the solicitation.
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
DOE NNSA Stewardship Science Graduate Fellowship
Overview: Provides financial benefits and professional development opportunities to students pursuing a Ph.D. in fields of study that solve complex science and engineering problems critical to stewardship science.
Award Amount:
- $38,000 annual stipend to the graduate student
- Payment of full tuition and required fees during the appointment period at any accredited U.S. university
- An annual $1,000 academic allowance for research or professional development expenses
- A term of up to four years, subject to annual renewal.
- A 12-week research practicum at one of DOE’s national defense laboratories: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Los Alamos National Laboratory or Sandia National Laboratories (California or New Mexico, with augmented stipend during the practicum.
Who is the Sponsor? Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration
Who is the Applicant? The student.
Who is the Awardee? The institution the student is enrolled in for their graduate program.
Funding Type: Fellowship
Due Date: January.
Each year, the application portal is open in October, proposals are due sometime in early January, and selected awardees must accept the offers by April.
The DOE NNSA SSGF is open to U.S. citizens planning full-time, uninterrupted study toward a doctoral degree at an accredited U.S. university. Those eligible to apply include senior undergraduate students and first- and second-year graduate students focusing their studies on high energy density physics, nuclear science, or properties of materials under extreme conditions and hydrodynamics.
DOE NNSA SSGF recipients must be enrolled as full-time graduate students at an accredited U.S. college or university and must study and research within the fellowship’s goals. During the summer, fellows should conduct full-time research related to completing their degree, enroll in classes or take a practicum assignment at one of the DOE NNSA laboratories.
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Innovation Fellowship
Overview: These fellowships provide a year of support (beginning between July 1 and September 1 the year following the application submission) for early-stage doctoral students preparing to embark on innovative dissertation research projects in the humanities and interpretive social sciences.
Award Amount:
- $40,000 stipend to the graduate student in the fellowship year
- Plus up to $3,000 for research and travel
- Plus up to $5,000 in professional development funds to support skills acquisition or additional research to support innovative/expansive directions.
- Plus a $2,000 stipend for external mentorship.
Who is the Sponsor? American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) (who has received a grant from the Mellon Foundation).
Who is the Applicant? The student. However, the application must include a letter from the student’s UM dissertation advisor, or other faculty member eligible to serve as an advisor, AND a letter from the UM Graduate Dean, attesting that:
(1) if the applicant holds a multi-year financial award from the institution and a fellowship is awarded, this support would be paused for the duration of the fellowship and the applicant would be allowed to retain and resume the remainder of that support in subsequent years;
(2) the institution will allow the fellow to remain enrolled during the fellowship year and will waive tuition and fees; and
(3) the intention of the fellowship is to promote non-traditional direction setting for the sake of valuing innovations in scholarly methods and subject, and the institution believes that its graduate curriculum and progress-charting for students can respect and accommodate this exploration of non-traditional approaches to scholarship.
The advisor should request this letter of the Graduate Dean very early–at least two months before the due date is recommended.
Who is the Awardee? The student is the awardee and is given the option of directly receiving the funds or having them routed through the institution
Funding Type: Fellowship
Due Date: October 25, 2023
Applicants must:
- Be a PhD student in a humanities or social science department in the United States.
- Be able to take up a full year (9-12 months) of sustained specialized research and training, released from normal coursework, assistantships, and teaching responsibilities.
- Have completed at least two years and all required coursework in the PhD programs in which they are currently enrolled by the start of the fellowship term.
- Have not advanced to PhD candidacy/ABD status prior to January 1, 2023.
- Have not previously applied for this fellowship more than once.
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Army Research Laboratory (ARL) Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellowships
Overview: Recipients pursue independent research of their own choosing that supports the mission of Army Research Laboratory.
Award Amount:
- $115,000 stipend for year for up to 3 years
- Health insurance
- Paid relocation
- Professional travel allowance
Who is the Sponsor? National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine
Who is the Applicant? Individual graduate student or pre-doctoral individual
Who is the Awardee?
Funding Type: Postdoctoral Fellowship
Due Date: July each year
- By October 1 applicants must have completed all the requirements for a Ph.D. or Sc.D. degree in the physical sciences, life sciences, computational sciences, behavioral sciences, or engineering.
- Applicants who intend to defend their dissertation after October 1 are not eligible.
- As of the application deadline, applicants may not be more than five years beyond the award date of their Ph.D. or Sc.D.
- There are no citizenship requirements; however, selected fellows must successfully complete a Department of Defense clearance process, requiring a background security investigation. Foreign nationals must get further DoD approval, requiring a background investigation. If needed, J-1 research scholar visas may be sponsored for fellows; this will be determined on a case-by-case basis at the time of the award.
- Applicants must demonstrate exceptional qualifications with respect to academic and scholarly achievement, as evidenced by research and publication.
- Candidates are expected to have conducted research on a major scientific or engineering problem during their thesis work or have provided a new approach or insight evidenced by a recognized impact in their field.
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Awards Per year: 2
Program Web Page:
Life Sciences Research Foundation Postdoctoral Research Fellowships
Overview: Funds basic biological research in all areas of life science.
Award Amount:
- $66,000/year stipend
- $11,000/year research allowance
Who is the Sponsor?
- Life Sciences Research Foundation
Who is the Applicant? The Individual
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Postdoctoral Fellowship
Due Date: October each year
Eligibility: doctoral students…
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Helen Hay Whitney Foundation Postdoctoral Research Fellowships
Overview: Supports early postdoctoral research training in all basic biomedical sciences.
Award Amount:
- $68,000 year stipend
- $1,500 annual research allowance
Who is the Sponsor? Helen Hay Whitney Foundation
Who is the Applicant? The individual student
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Postdoctoral Fellowship
Due Date: June each year
Eligibility: Doctoral or pre-doc student
Citizenship: Unrestricted
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Innovation Grants
Overview: Support research on suicide from a variety of disciplines including psychiatry, medicine, psychology, genetics, epidemiology, neurobiology, sociology, nursing, health services administration, social work, and many others.
Award Amount:
- $56,000 annual stipend for 2 years
- $14,000 annual institutional allowance
Who is the Sponsor? American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
Who is the Applicant? The Individual
Who is the Awardee? Institution
Funding Type: Postdoctoral Research Fellowship
Due Date:
- Letter of Intent: August each year
- Application: November each year
Eligibility: Graduate student, pre-doc, or early career individual
Citizenship: Unrestricted
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
National Bureau of Economic Research Postdoctoral Fellowship
Overview: For study of aging and health, diversity in economics, economics of the aging workforce, fiscal policy, infrastructure economics, racial and ethnic disparities in economic outcomes, and retirement and disability policy research and transportation economics.
Award Amount: $90,000 stipend for one year
Who is the Sponsor? National Bureau of Economic Research
Who is the Applicant? The individual (?)
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Postdoctoral Fellowship
Due Date: December each year
Eligibility: Coming Soon
Citizenship: Unrestricted
Awards Per Year: ~10
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
National Bureau of Economic Research Predoctoral Fellowship
Overview: For graduate students studying the economics of aging and health, behavioral macroeconomics, consumer financial management, gender in the economy and retirement and disability policy research.
Award Amount: $27,000 stipend plus tuition for 1 year
Who is the Sponsor? National Bureau of Economic Research
Who is the Applicant? Coming soon
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Graduate fellowship
Due Date: December each year
Eligibility: Coming Soon
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
# Awards: ~20-25 each year
Program Web Page:
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship in Latino Studies
Overview: This is a dissertation writing residential fellowship.
Award Amount: $35,000 stipend plus housing allowance in Sante Fe, NM for one year
Who is the Sponsor? The School for Advanced Research
Who is the Applicant? The individual
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Graduate research fellowship
Due Date: November
Eligibility: PhD candidates who plan to write their dissertations are eligible.
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Metropolitan Museum of Art (MMA)Interdisciplinary Fellowship
Overview: For independent cross-departmental research projects that explore connections between various cultures and collections in the Museum and that go beyond traditional boundaries, bridging the visual arts and other disciplines in the humanities, social sciences, performing arts, and fine arts.. Candidates holding either an MA or MFA, or currently pursuing or holding a PhD in the arts, humanities, or social sciences may apply.
Award Amount:
- $47,000 to $57,000 stipend for one year in residence
- plus $6,000 travel allowance (for up to 6 weeks)
Who is the Sponsor? The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Who is the Applicant? The individual
Who is the Awardee? The individual
Funding Type: Graduate research fellowship
Due Date: November
Eligibility: Graduate students…
Citizenship: Unrestricted
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Smithsonian Institution Pre-doctoral Fellowships
Overview: For 3-12 months of research and study in: Animal behavior, ecology, and environmental science, including an emphasis on the tropics; Anthropology, including archaeology, cultural anthropology, linguistics, and physical anthropology; Astrophysics and astronomy; Earth sciences and paleobiology; Evolutionary & systematic biology; Folklife; History of science and technology; History of art, especially American, contemporary, African, and Asian art, twentieth-century American crafts, and decorative arts; Materials research; Molecular biology; Social and cultural history of the United States
Award Amount:
- $45,000 stipend for 12 months
- $5,000 travel allowance
Who is the Sponsor? The Smithsonian Institution
Who is the Applicant? The Individual
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Graduate fellowship
Due Date: November each year
Eligibility: Grad student doctoral candidates
Citizenship: Unrestricted
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Smithsonian Institution Ten-Week Graduate Research Fellowships
Overview: For graduate students to conduct independent research usually before having been advanced to candidacy if in a Ph.D. program. Animal behavior, ecology, and environmental science, including an emphasis on the tropics; Anthropology, including archaeology, cultural anthropology, linguistics, and physical anthropology; Astrophysics and astronomy; Earth sciences and paleobiology; Evolutionary & systematic biology; Folklife; History of science and technology; History of art, especially American, contemporary, African, and Asian art, twentieth-century American crafts, and decorative arts; Materials research; Molecular biology; Social and cultural history of the United States.
Award Amount: $10,000
Who is the Sponsor? The Smithsonian Institution
Who is the Applicant: The individual
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Graduate Research Fellowship
Due Date: November each year
Eligibility: Grad students who are not yet candidates
Citizenship: Unrestricted
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship
Overview: For study in PhD programs for students in a variety of disciplines who have demonstrated superior academic achievement, are committed to a career in teaching and research at the college or university level in the U.S., show promise of future achievement as scholars and teachers, and are well prepared to use diversity as a resource for enriching the education of all students.
Award Amount: $27,000 annual stipend for 3 years
Who is the Sponsor? The Ford Foundation
Who is the Applicant: Coming Soon
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Graduate student fellowship
Due Date: January each year
Eligibility: Coming Soon
Citizenship: United States
#Awards: 75 per year
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Predoctoral Fellowship (Parent F31)
Overview: To enable promising predoctoral students to obtain individualized, mentored research training from outstanding faculty sponsors while conducting dissertation research in scientific health-related fields relevant to the missions of the participating NIH Institutes and Center
Award Amount:
- ~27,000 annual stipend for up to 5 years
- tuition Coming soon
- institutional allowance Coming Soon
Who is the Sponsor? National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Who is the Applicant: Coming Soon
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Graduate research fellowship
Due Date: 3 times/year
- January, May, September
- December, April, August (AIDS related)
Eligibility: Coming Soon
Citizenship: United States
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Post-doctoral Fellowship (Parent F32)
Overview: To support research training of highly promising postdoctoral candidates who have the potential to become productive, independent investigators in scientific health-related research fields relevant to the missions of the participating NIH Institutes and Centers
Award Amount:
- ~$56K annual stipend (0 yrs experience)
- ~$68K annual stipend (7+ yrs experience)
Who is the Sponsor? National Institutes of Health
Who is the Applicant: Coming Soon
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Postdoctoral Fellowship
Due Date:
- January, May, September
- December, April, August (AIDS related)
Eligibility: Coming Soon
Citizenship: Coming Soon
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Selected Professions Fellowship Program
Overview: To promote gender equity for women by providing funding in support of those pursuing a full-time course of study in targeted degree programs where women’s representation has traditionally been low.
Award Amount:
- $20K stipend disbursed in two equal payments over the fellowship term
Who is the Sponsor? American Association of University Women (AAUW)
Who is the Applicant: The individual
Who is the Awardee? The individual
Funding Type: Student Fellowship
Due Date:
- November 15
Eligibility: Applicants must be, or identify as, a woman and enrolled on a full-time basis at an institution accredited by the U.S. Department of Education, and must not already hold a master’s or professional degree.
Citizenship: United States or permanent resident
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Department of Defense National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship
Overview: The purpose of the NDSEG Fellowship is to increase the number of U.S. citizens or nationals trained in disciplines of science and engineering of military importance, develop continuing relationships with recipients and the sponsoring military service, and attract science and engineering baccalaureate graduates to pursue doctorates in DoD mission-related research areas from U.S. institutions.
Award Amount:
- The NDSEG fellowship will pay the fellows’ full tuition and required fees (excluding room and board).
- The monthly stipend is $3,600 ($43,200 annually) for fellowship tenure.
- The NDSEG fellowship will pay for the minimum health insurance coverage offered through the institution or if the institution requires health insurance coverage but does not offer it the fellow may purchase private insurance, up to a total value of $1,600
Who is the Sponsor? Department of Defense (DoD)
Who is the Applicant: The student
Who is the Awardee? The student
Funding Type: Student Fellowship
Due Date: November 1
Eligibility: Completed undergraduate work prior to starting the fellowship; be applying to, accepted to, or currently enrolled at an accredited graduate-level institution within the United States; have at least three (3) remaining years in the graduate program; and be pursuing research in alignment with one or more specific topics identified in the Department of Defense’s Broad Agency Announcements (BAAs).
Citizenship: U.S. Citizen, U.S. Dual Citizen, or U.S. National (
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Universities Research Association-Sandia Graduate Student Summer Fellowship
Overview: This program provides science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) research experiences that support Sandia National Laboratories’ (SNL) Research Foundations. Summer Fellows will conduct research in close collaboration with Sandian mentors and technical staff to engage in challenging research and development projects. They will also be included in meetings, events, and tours sponsored by the SNL Student Intern Program, and URA to support professional development and STEM network engagement.
Award Amount: The stipend will be based on location (Albuquerque, NM or Livermore, CA), participation for 3 months (12 weeks, 40 hours/week), and the Fellow’s stage of progress towards a terminal degree.
Who is the Sponsor? Universities Research Association (URA) and administered through Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE)
Who is the Applicant: The student
Who is the Awardee? The student
Funding Type: Student Fellowship
Due Date: December 1
Eligibility: Applicants must be full-time master’s or doctoral graduate students in one of the listed fields: Chemistry and Materials Sciences; Computer, Information, and Data Sciences; Earth and Geosciences; Engineering; Environmental and Marine Sciences; Life Health and Medical Sciences; Mathematics and Statistics; Physics; Science & Engineering-related.
Citizenship: U.S. Citizen
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Inquiries may be sent to with the subject line “Inquiry: URA-SNL Summer Fellowship”.
PhRMA Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship
Overview: The PhRMA Foundation Predoctoral Fellowships is a competitive external award that provides a minimum of $30,000 per year in stipend support for graduate students pursuing research in pharmaceutical sciences, biomedical sciences, and related fields.
Award Amount: $30,000 per year for 12,18 or 24 months. This award is intended solely as a stipend. However, within the yearly award amount of $30,000, up to $1,000 (maximum) per year may be used for incidentals directly associated with thesis research preparation or travel to a scientific conference in the United States.
Who is the Sponsor? PhRMA Foundation
Who is the Applicant: The student
Who is the Awardee? Payments will be made directly to the university on behalf of the awardee, with the understanding that the university will administer the funds.
Funding Type: Fellowship
Due Date: Letter of Intent Deadline April 15 at Noon (ET); Invitations to Submit Full Applications out July 1; Full Application Deadline August 28 at Noon (ET)
Eligibility: Applications (U.S. Citizen or non-U.S. Citizen) must attend an accredited U.S. university as full-time, in-residence student; will have completed most of their pre-thesis requirements (at least two years of coursework) and be engaged in thesis research as PhD candidates by the time the award is activated; should expect to complete their PhD requirements in two years or less from the time funding begins; and are expected to devote full time (including summers) to their research. Students just starting graduate school should not apply.
Citizenship: U.S. Citizen or Non-U.S. Citizen
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Overview: Supports fellowships for outstanding graduate students who are pursuing full-time, research-based masters and doctoral degrees in science, technology, engineering or math or STEM education.
Award Amount: Each Fellowship provides three years of support over a five-year fellowship period. For each of the three years of support, NSF provides a $37,000 stipend and $12,000 cost of education allowance to the graduate degree-granting institution of higher education for each Fellow who uses the support in a fellowship year.
Who is the Sponsor? The National Science Foundation (NSF)
Who is the Applicant? The student.
Who is the Awardee? (Who does the check from the sponsor go to?) The Fellowship award is made to the institution of higher education at which a Fellow is enrolled and the institution is responsible for disbursement of the stipend to the Fellow.
Funding Type: Fellowship
Due Date: October of each year. The exact due date is listed in the solicitation which is generally issued in the summer.
Eligibility: U.S. citizens, nationals, or permanent residents who are senior undergraduates planning to apply for, or 1st or 2nd-year graduate students currently enrolled in, research-based STEM graduate programs. For additional information about eligibility, see the latest program solicitation.
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Additional Web Page:
UM Web Page(s):
Additional Info:
University Nuclear Leadership Program (UNLP) Graduate Fellowship
Overview: Provides $169,000 over three years to support graduate research in a qualifying program at a UNLP-approved college or university, and an accompanying one-time summer internship at a DOE national laboratory or approved facility.
Award Amount: During each of the three years, a 12-month $39,000 stipend to the fellow; $14,000 for the institution to pay for the student’s tuition, books, and fees; and a $1,000 travel allowance. There will also be a $7,000 internship travel and housing allowance for one summer.
Who is the Sponsor? The Department of Energy’s Office of Nuclear Energy (NE).
Who is the Applicant? The student.
Who is the Awardee? (Who does the check from the sponsor go to?) The educational institution in which the student is enrolled, who will then pay the stipend to the student, and pay their other expenses as indicated.
Funding Type: Fellowship
Due Date: January. See the current solicitation for the exact due date.
Eligibility: Applications will be accepted from U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents attending (or planning to attend) an eligible UNLP-approved college or university to pursue a graduate degree in a science or engineering program of study related to nuclear energy, such as such as nuclear engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, chemistry, health physics, nuclear materials science, radiochemistry, applied nuclear physics, nuclear policy, radiation protection technology, nuclear power technology, nuclear maintenance technology, nuclear engineering technology, computer science, or cybersecurity. Students are encouraged to apply to this opportunity even if their university is yet UNLP-approved. NE will work with new universities to get them through the approval process prior to the distribution of any award funds. Students may be senior undergraduates; college graduates who have not yet begun graduate study; or 1st-year graduate students at the time of the application, and have maintained at 3.25 GPA at their undergraduate institution and a 3.5 GPA at their graduate institution (if applicable) at the time of application. For more details about eligibility, see the solicitation.
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
DOE NNSA Stewardship Science Graduate Fellowship
Overview: Provides financial benefits and professional development opportunities to students pursuing a Ph.D. in fields of study that solve complex science and engineering problems critical to stewardship science.
Award Amount:
- $38,000 annual stipend to the graduate student
- Payment of full tuition and required fees during the appointment period at any accredited U.S. university
- An annual $1,000 academic allowance for research or professional development expenses
- A term of up to four years, subject to annual renewal.
- A 12-week research practicum at one of DOE’s national defense laboratories: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Los Alamos National Laboratory or Sandia National Laboratories (California or New Mexico, with augmented stipend during the practicum.
Who is the Sponsor? Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration
Who is the Applicant? The student.
Who is the Awardee? The institution the student is enrolled in for their graduate program.
Funding Type: Fellowship
Due Date: January.
Each year, the application portal is open in October, proposals are due sometime in early January, and selected awardees must accept the offers by April.
The DOE NNSA SSGF is open to U.S. citizens planning full-time, uninterrupted study toward a doctoral degree at an accredited U.S. university. Those eligible to apply include senior undergraduate students and first- and second-year graduate students focusing their studies on high energy density physics, nuclear science, or properties of materials under extreme conditions and hydrodynamics.
DOE NNSA SSGF recipients must be enrolled as full-time graduate students at an accredited U.S. college or university and must study and research within the fellowship’s goals. During the summer, fellows should conduct full-time research related to completing their degree, enroll in classes or take a practicum assignment at one of the DOE NNSA laboratories.
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Innovation Fellowship
Overview: These fellowships provide a year of support (beginning between July 1 and September 1 the year following the application submission) for early-stage doctoral students preparing to embark on innovative dissertation research projects in the humanities and interpretive social sciences.
Award Amount:
- $40,000 stipend to the graduate student in the fellowship year
- Plus up to $3,000 for research and travel
- Plus up to $5,000 in professional development funds to support skills acquisition or additional research to support innovative/expansive directions.
- Plus a $2,000 stipend for external mentorship.
Who is the Sponsor? American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) (who has received a grant from the Mellon Foundation).
Who is the Applicant? The student. However, the application must include a letter from the student’s UM dissertation advisor, or other faculty member eligible to serve as an advisor, AND a letter from the UM Graduate Dean, attesting that:
(1) if the applicant holds a multi-year financial award from the institution and a fellowship is awarded, this support would be paused for the duration of the fellowship and the applicant would be allowed to retain and resume the remainder of that support in subsequent years;
(2) the institution will allow the fellow to remain enrolled during the fellowship year and will waive tuition and fees; and
(3) the intention of the fellowship is to promote non-traditional direction setting for the sake of valuing innovations in scholarly methods and subject, and the institution believes that its graduate curriculum and progress-charting for students can respect and accommodate this exploration of non-traditional approaches to scholarship.
The advisor should request this letter of the Graduate Dean very early–at least two months before the due date is recommended.
Who is the Awardee? The student is the awardee and is given the option of directly receiving the funds or having them routed through the institution
Funding Type: Fellowship
Due Date: October 25, 2023
Applicants must:
- Be a PhD student in a humanities or social science department in the United States.
- Be able to take up a full year (9-12 months) of sustained specialized research and training, released from normal coursework, assistantships, and teaching responsibilities.
- Have completed at least two years and all required coursework in the PhD programs in which they are currently enrolled by the start of the fellowship term.
- Have not advanced to PhD candidacy/ABD status prior to January 1, 2023.
- Have not previously applied for this fellowship more than once.
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Army Research Laboratory (ARL) Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellowships
Overview: Recipients pursue independent research of their own choosing that supports the mission of Army Research Laboratory.
Award Amount:
- $115,000 stipend for year for up to 3 years
- Health insurance
- Paid relocation
- Professional travel allowance
Who is the Sponsor? National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine
Who is the Applicant? Individual graduate student or pre-doctoral individual
Who is the Awardee?
Funding Type: Postdoctoral Fellowship
Due Date: July each year
- By October 1 applicants must have completed all the requirements for a Ph.D. or Sc.D. degree in the physical sciences, life sciences, computational sciences, behavioral sciences, or engineering.
- Applicants who intend to defend their dissertation after October 1 are not eligible.
- As of the application deadline, applicants may not be more than five years beyond the award date of their Ph.D. or Sc.D.
- There are no citizenship requirements; however, selected fellows must successfully complete a Department of Defense clearance process, requiring a background security investigation. Foreign nationals must get further DoD approval, requiring a background investigation. If needed, J-1 research scholar visas may be sponsored for fellows; this will be determined on a case-by-case basis at the time of the award.
- Applicants must demonstrate exceptional qualifications with respect to academic and scholarly achievement, as evidenced by research and publication.
- Candidates are expected to have conducted research on a major scientific or engineering problem during their thesis work or have provided a new approach or insight evidenced by a recognized impact in their field.
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Awards Per year: 2
Program Web Page:
Life Sciences Research Foundation Postdoctoral Research Fellowships
Overview: Funds basic biological research in all areas of life science.
Award Amount:
- $66,000/year stipend
- $11,000/year research allowance
Who is the Sponsor?
- Life Sciences Research Foundation
Who is the Applicant? The Individual
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Postdoctoral Fellowship
Due Date: October each year
Eligibility: doctoral students…
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Helen Hay Whitney Foundation Postdoctoral Research Fellowships
Overview: Supports early postdoctoral research training in all basic biomedical sciences.
Award Amount:
- $68,000 year stipend
- $1,500 annual research allowance
Who is the Sponsor? Helen Hay Whitney Foundation
Who is the Applicant? The individual student
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Postdoctoral Fellowship
Due Date: June each year
Eligibility: Doctoral or pre-doc student
Citizenship: Unrestricted
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Innovation Grants
Overview: Support research on suicide from a variety of disciplines including psychiatry, medicine, psychology, genetics, epidemiology, neurobiology, sociology, nursing, health services administration, social work, and many others.
Award Amount:
- $56,000 annual stipend for 2 years
- $14,000 annual institutional allowance
Who is the Sponsor? American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
Who is the Applicant? The Individual
Who is the Awardee? Institution
Funding Type: Postdoctoral Research Fellowship
Due Date:
- Letter of Intent: August each year
- Application: November each year
Eligibility: Graduate student, pre-doc, or early career individual
Citizenship: Unrestricted
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
National Bureau of Economic Research Postdoctoral Fellowship
Overview: For study of aging and health, diversity in economics, economics of the aging workforce, fiscal policy, infrastructure economics, racial and ethnic disparities in economic outcomes, and retirement and disability policy research and transportation economics.
Award Amount: $90,000 stipend for one year
Who is the Sponsor? National Bureau of Economic Research
Who is the Applicant? The individual (?)
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Postdoctoral Fellowship
Due Date: December each year
Eligibility: Coming Soon
Citizenship: Unrestricted
Awards Per Year: ~10
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
National Bureau of Economic Research Predoctoral Fellowship
Overview: For graduate students studying the economics of aging and health, behavioral macroeconomics, consumer financial management, gender in the economy and retirement and disability policy research.
Award Amount: $27,000 stipend plus tuition for 1 year
Who is the Sponsor? National Bureau of Economic Research
Who is the Applicant? Coming soon
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Graduate fellowship
Due Date: December each year
Eligibility: Coming Soon
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
# Awards: ~20-25 each year
Program Web Page:
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship in Latino Studies
Overview: This is a dissertation writing residential fellowship.
Award Amount: $35,000 stipend plus housing allowance in Sante Fe, NM for one year
Who is the Sponsor? The School for Advanced Research
Who is the Applicant? The individual
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Graduate research fellowship
Due Date: November
Eligibility: PhD candidates who plan to write their dissertations are eligible.
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Metropolitan Museum of Art (MMA)Interdisciplinary Fellowship
Overview: For independent cross-departmental research projects that explore connections between various cultures and collections in the Museum and that go beyond traditional boundaries, bridging the visual arts and other disciplines in the humanities, social sciences, performing arts, and fine arts.. Candidates holding either an MA or MFA, or currently pursuing or holding a PhD in the arts, humanities, or social sciences may apply.
Award Amount:
- $47,000 to $57,000 stipend for one year in residence
- plus $6,000 travel allowance (for up to 6 weeks)
Who is the Sponsor? The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Who is the Applicant? The individual
Who is the Awardee? The individual
Funding Type: Graduate research fellowship
Due Date: November
Eligibility: Graduate students…
Citizenship: Unrestricted
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Smithsonian Institution Pre-doctoral Fellowships
Overview: For 3-12 months of research and study in: Animal behavior, ecology, and environmental science, including an emphasis on the tropics; Anthropology, including archaeology, cultural anthropology, linguistics, and physical anthropology; Astrophysics and astronomy; Earth sciences and paleobiology; Evolutionary & systematic biology; Folklife; History of science and technology; History of art, especially American, contemporary, African, and Asian art, twentieth-century American crafts, and decorative arts; Materials research; Molecular biology; Social and cultural history of the United States
Award Amount:
- $45,000 stipend for 12 months
- $5,000 travel allowance
Who is the Sponsor? The Smithsonian Institution
Who is the Applicant? The Individual
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Graduate fellowship
Due Date: November each year
Eligibility: Grad student doctoral candidates
Citizenship: Unrestricted
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Smithsonian Institution Ten-Week Graduate Research Fellowships
Overview: For graduate students to conduct independent research usually before having been advanced to candidacy if in a Ph.D. program. Animal behavior, ecology, and environmental science, including an emphasis on the tropics; Anthropology, including archaeology, cultural anthropology, linguistics, and physical anthropology; Astrophysics and astronomy; Earth sciences and paleobiology; Evolutionary & systematic biology; Folklife; History of science and technology; History of art, especially American, contemporary, African, and Asian art, twentieth-century American crafts, and decorative arts; Materials research; Molecular biology; Social and cultural history of the United States.
Award Amount: $10,000
Who is the Sponsor? The Smithsonian Institution
Who is the Applicant: The individual
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Graduate Research Fellowship
Due Date: November each year
Eligibility: Grad students who are not yet candidates
Citizenship: Unrestricted
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship
Overview: For study in PhD programs for students in a variety of disciplines who have demonstrated superior academic achievement, are committed to a career in teaching and research at the college or university level in the U.S., show promise of future achievement as scholars and teachers, and are well prepared to use diversity as a resource for enriching the education of all students.
Award Amount: $27,000 annual stipend for 3 years
Who is the Sponsor? The Ford Foundation
Who is the Applicant: Coming Soon
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Graduate student fellowship
Due Date: January each year
Eligibility: Coming Soon
Citizenship: United States
#Awards: 75 per year
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Predoctoral Fellowship (Parent F31)
Overview: To enable promising predoctoral students to obtain individualized, mentored research training from outstanding faculty sponsors while conducting dissertation research in scientific health-related fields relevant to the missions of the participating NIH Institutes and Center
Award Amount:
- ~27,000 annual stipend for up to 5 years
- tuition Coming soon
- institutional allowance Coming Soon
Who is the Sponsor? National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Who is the Applicant: Coming Soon
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Graduate research fellowship
Due Date: 3 times/year
- January, May, September
- December, April, August (AIDS related)
Eligibility: Coming Soon
Citizenship: United States
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Post-doctoral Fellowship (Parent F32)
Overview: To support research training of highly promising postdoctoral candidates who have the potential to become productive, independent investigators in scientific health-related research fields relevant to the missions of the participating NIH Institutes and Centers
Award Amount:
- ~$56K annual stipend (0 yrs experience)
- ~$68K annual stipend (7+ yrs experience)
Who is the Sponsor? National Institutes of Health
Who is the Applicant: Coming Soon
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Postdoctoral Fellowship
Due Date:
- January, May, September
- December, April, August (AIDS related)
Eligibility: Coming Soon
Citizenship: Coming Soon
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Selected Professions Fellowship Program
Overview: To promote gender equity for women by providing funding in support of those pursuing a full-time course of study in targeted degree programs where women’s representation has traditionally been low.
Award Amount:
- $20K stipend disbursed in two equal payments over the fellowship term
Who is the Sponsor? American Association of University Women (AAUW)
Who is the Applicant: The individual
Who is the Awardee? The individual
Funding Type: Student Fellowship
Due Date:
- November 15
Eligibility: Applicants must be, or identify as, a woman and enrolled on a full-time basis at an institution accredited by the U.S. Department of Education, and must not already hold a master’s or professional degree.
Citizenship: United States or permanent resident
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Department of Defense National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship
Overview: The purpose of the NDSEG Fellowship is to increase the number of U.S. citizens or nationals trained in disciplines of science and engineering of military importance, develop continuing relationships with recipients and the sponsoring military service, and attract science and engineering baccalaureate graduates to pursue doctorates in DoD mission-related research areas from U.S. institutions.
Award Amount:
- The NDSEG fellowship will pay the fellows’ full tuition and required fees (excluding room and board).
- The monthly stipend is $3,600 ($43,200 annually) for fellowship tenure.
- The NDSEG fellowship will pay for the minimum health insurance coverage offered through the institution or if the institution requires health insurance coverage but does not offer it the fellow may purchase private insurance, up to a total value of $1,600
Who is the Sponsor? Department of Defense (DoD)
Who is the Applicant: The student
Who is the Awardee? The student
Funding Type: Student Fellowship
Due Date: November 1
Eligibility: Completed undergraduate work prior to starting the fellowship; be applying to, accepted to, or currently enrolled at an accredited graduate-level institution within the United States; have at least three (3) remaining years in the graduate program; and be pursuing research in alignment with one or more specific topics identified in the Department of Defense’s Broad Agency Announcements (BAAs).
Citizenship: U.S. Citizen, U.S. Dual Citizen, or U.S. National (
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Universities Research Association-Sandia Graduate Student Summer Fellowship
Overview: This program provides science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) research experiences that support Sandia National Laboratories’ (SNL) Research Foundations. Summer Fellows will conduct research in close collaboration with Sandian mentors and technical staff to engage in challenging research and development projects. They will also be included in meetings, events, and tours sponsored by the SNL Student Intern Program, and URA to support professional development and STEM network engagement.
Award Amount: The stipend will be based on location (Albuquerque, NM or Livermore, CA), participation for 3 months (12 weeks, 40 hours/week), and the Fellow’s stage of progress towards a terminal degree.
Who is the Sponsor? Universities Research Association (URA) and administered through Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE)
Who is the Applicant: The student
Who is the Awardee? The student
Funding Type: Student Fellowship
Due Date: December 1
Eligibility: Applicants must be full-time master’s or doctoral graduate students in one of the listed fields: Chemistry and Materials Sciences; Computer, Information, and Data Sciences; Earth and Geosciences; Engineering; Environmental and Marine Sciences; Life Health and Medical Sciences; Mathematics and Statistics; Physics; Science & Engineering-related.
Citizenship: U.S. Citizen
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Inquiries may be sent to with the subject line “Inquiry: URA-SNL Summer Fellowship”.
PhRMA Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship
Overview: The PhRMA Foundation Predoctoral Fellowships is a competitive external award that provides a minimum of $30,000 per year in stipend support for graduate students pursuing research in pharmaceutical sciences, biomedical sciences, and related fields.
Award Amount: $30,000 per year for 12,18 or 24 months. This award is intended solely as a stipend. However, within the yearly award amount of $30,000, up to $1,000 (maximum) per year may be used for incidentals directly associated with thesis research preparation or travel to a scientific conference in the United States.
Who is the Sponsor? PhRMA Foundation
Who is the Applicant: The student
Who is the Awardee? Payments will be made directly to the university on behalf of the awardee, with the understanding that the university will administer the funds.
Funding Type: Fellowship
Due Date: Letter of Intent Deadline April 15 at Noon (ET); Invitations to Submit Full Applications out July 1; Full Application Deadline August 28 at Noon (ET)
Eligibility: Applications (U.S. Citizen or non-U.S. Citizen) must attend an accredited U.S. university as full-time, in-residence student; will have completed most of their pre-thesis requirements (at least two years of coursework) and be engaged in thesis research as PhD candidates by the time the award is activated; should expect to complete their PhD requirements in two years or less from the time funding begins; and are expected to devote full time (including summers) to their research. Students just starting graduate school should not apply.
Citizenship: U.S. Citizen or Non-U.S. Citizen
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Overview: Provides financial benefits and professional development opportunities to students pursuing a Ph.D. in fields of study that solve complex science and engineering problems critical to stewardship science.
Award Amount:
- $38,000 annual stipend to the graduate student
- Payment of full tuition and required fees during the appointment period at any accredited U.S. university
- An annual $1,000 academic allowance for research or professional development expenses
- A term of up to four years, subject to annual renewal.
- A 12-week research practicum at one of DOE’s national defense laboratories: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Los Alamos National Laboratory or Sandia National Laboratories (California or New Mexico, with augmented stipend during the practicum.
Who is the Sponsor? Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration
Who is the Applicant? The student.
Who is the Awardee? The institution the student is enrolled in for their graduate program.
Funding Type: Fellowship
Due Date: January.
Each year, the application portal is open in October, proposals are due sometime in early January, and selected awardees must accept the offers by April.
The DOE NNSA SSGF is open to U.S. citizens planning full-time, uninterrupted study toward a doctoral degree at an accredited U.S. university. Those eligible to apply include senior undergraduate students and first- and second-year graduate students focusing their studies on high energy density physics, nuclear science, or properties of materials under extreme conditions and hydrodynamics.
DOE NNSA SSGF recipients must be enrolled as full-time graduate students at an accredited U.S. college or university and must study and research within the fellowship’s goals. During the summer, fellows should conduct full-time research related to completing their degree, enroll in classes or take a practicum assignment at one of the DOE NNSA laboratories.
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Innovation Fellowship
Overview: These fellowships provide a year of support (beginning between July 1 and September 1 the year following the application submission) for early-stage doctoral students preparing to embark on innovative dissertation research projects in the humanities and interpretive social sciences.
Award Amount:
- $40,000 stipend to the graduate student in the fellowship year
- Plus up to $3,000 for research and travel
- Plus up to $5,000 in professional development funds to support skills acquisition or additional research to support innovative/expansive directions.
- Plus a $2,000 stipend for external mentorship.
Who is the Sponsor? American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) (who has received a grant from the Mellon Foundation).
Who is the Applicant? The student. However, the application must include a letter from the student’s UM dissertation advisor, or other faculty member eligible to serve as an advisor, AND a letter from the UM Graduate Dean, attesting that:
(1) if the applicant holds a multi-year financial award from the institution and a fellowship is awarded, this support would be paused for the duration of the fellowship and the applicant would be allowed to retain and resume the remainder of that support in subsequent years;
(2) the institution will allow the fellow to remain enrolled during the fellowship year and will waive tuition and fees; and
(3) the intention of the fellowship is to promote non-traditional direction setting for the sake of valuing innovations in scholarly methods and subject, and the institution believes that its graduate curriculum and progress-charting for students can respect and accommodate this exploration of non-traditional approaches to scholarship.
The advisor should request this letter of the Graduate Dean very early–at least two months before the due date is recommended.
Who is the Awardee? The student is the awardee and is given the option of directly receiving the funds or having them routed through the institution
Funding Type: Fellowship
Due Date: October 25, 2023
Applicants must:
- Be a PhD student in a humanities or social science department in the United States.
- Be able to take up a full year (9-12 months) of sustained specialized research and training, released from normal coursework, assistantships, and teaching responsibilities.
- Have completed at least two years and all required coursework in the PhD programs in which they are currently enrolled by the start of the fellowship term.
- Have not advanced to PhD candidacy/ABD status prior to January 1, 2023.
- Have not previously applied for this fellowship more than once.
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Army Research Laboratory (ARL) Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellowships
Overview: Recipients pursue independent research of their own choosing that supports the mission of Army Research Laboratory.
Award Amount:
- $115,000 stipend for year for up to 3 years
- Health insurance
- Paid relocation
- Professional travel allowance
Who is the Sponsor? National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine
Who is the Applicant? Individual graduate student or pre-doctoral individual
Who is the Awardee?
Funding Type: Postdoctoral Fellowship
Due Date: July each year
- By October 1 applicants must have completed all the requirements for a Ph.D. or Sc.D. degree in the physical sciences, life sciences, computational sciences, behavioral sciences, or engineering.
- Applicants who intend to defend their dissertation after October 1 are not eligible.
- As of the application deadline, applicants may not be more than five years beyond the award date of their Ph.D. or Sc.D.
- There are no citizenship requirements; however, selected fellows must successfully complete a Department of Defense clearance process, requiring a background security investigation. Foreign nationals must get further DoD approval, requiring a background investigation. If needed, J-1 research scholar visas may be sponsored for fellows; this will be determined on a case-by-case basis at the time of the award.
- Applicants must demonstrate exceptional qualifications with respect to academic and scholarly achievement, as evidenced by research and publication.
- Candidates are expected to have conducted research on a major scientific or engineering problem during their thesis work or have provided a new approach or insight evidenced by a recognized impact in their field.
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Awards Per year: 2
Program Web Page:
Life Sciences Research Foundation Postdoctoral Research Fellowships
Overview: Funds basic biological research in all areas of life science.
Award Amount:
- $66,000/year stipend
- $11,000/year research allowance
Who is the Sponsor?
- Life Sciences Research Foundation
Who is the Applicant? The Individual
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Postdoctoral Fellowship
Due Date: October each year
Eligibility: doctoral students…
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Helen Hay Whitney Foundation Postdoctoral Research Fellowships
Overview: Supports early postdoctoral research training in all basic biomedical sciences.
Award Amount:
- $68,000 year stipend
- $1,500 annual research allowance
Who is the Sponsor? Helen Hay Whitney Foundation
Who is the Applicant? The individual student
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Postdoctoral Fellowship
Due Date: June each year
Eligibility: Doctoral or pre-doc student
Citizenship: Unrestricted
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Innovation Grants
Overview: Support research on suicide from a variety of disciplines including psychiatry, medicine, psychology, genetics, epidemiology, neurobiology, sociology, nursing, health services administration, social work, and many others.
Award Amount:
- $56,000 annual stipend for 2 years
- $14,000 annual institutional allowance
Who is the Sponsor? American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
Who is the Applicant? The Individual
Who is the Awardee? Institution
Funding Type: Postdoctoral Research Fellowship
Due Date:
- Letter of Intent: August each year
- Application: November each year
Eligibility: Graduate student, pre-doc, or early career individual
Citizenship: Unrestricted
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
National Bureau of Economic Research Postdoctoral Fellowship
Overview: For study of aging and health, diversity in economics, economics of the aging workforce, fiscal policy, infrastructure economics, racial and ethnic disparities in economic outcomes, and retirement and disability policy research and transportation economics.
Award Amount: $90,000 stipend for one year
Who is the Sponsor? National Bureau of Economic Research
Who is the Applicant? The individual (?)
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Postdoctoral Fellowship
Due Date: December each year
Eligibility: Coming Soon
Citizenship: Unrestricted
Awards Per Year: ~10
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
National Bureau of Economic Research Predoctoral Fellowship
Overview: For graduate students studying the economics of aging and health, behavioral macroeconomics, consumer financial management, gender in the economy and retirement and disability policy research.
Award Amount: $27,000 stipend plus tuition for 1 year
Who is the Sponsor? National Bureau of Economic Research
Who is the Applicant? Coming soon
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Graduate fellowship
Due Date: December each year
Eligibility: Coming Soon
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
# Awards: ~20-25 each year
Program Web Page:
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship in Latino Studies
Overview: This is a dissertation writing residential fellowship.
Award Amount: $35,000 stipend plus housing allowance in Sante Fe, NM for one year
Who is the Sponsor? The School for Advanced Research
Who is the Applicant? The individual
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Graduate research fellowship
Due Date: November
Eligibility: PhD candidates who plan to write their dissertations are eligible.
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Metropolitan Museum of Art (MMA)Interdisciplinary Fellowship
Overview: For independent cross-departmental research projects that explore connections between various cultures and collections in the Museum and that go beyond traditional boundaries, bridging the visual arts and other disciplines in the humanities, social sciences, performing arts, and fine arts.. Candidates holding either an MA or MFA, or currently pursuing or holding a PhD in the arts, humanities, or social sciences may apply.
Award Amount:
- $47,000 to $57,000 stipend for one year in residence
- plus $6,000 travel allowance (for up to 6 weeks)
Who is the Sponsor? The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Who is the Applicant? The individual
Who is the Awardee? The individual
Funding Type: Graduate research fellowship
Due Date: November
Eligibility: Graduate students…
Citizenship: Unrestricted
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Smithsonian Institution Pre-doctoral Fellowships
Overview: For 3-12 months of research and study in: Animal behavior, ecology, and environmental science, including an emphasis on the tropics; Anthropology, including archaeology, cultural anthropology, linguistics, and physical anthropology; Astrophysics and astronomy; Earth sciences and paleobiology; Evolutionary & systematic biology; Folklife; History of science and technology; History of art, especially American, contemporary, African, and Asian art, twentieth-century American crafts, and decorative arts; Materials research; Molecular biology; Social and cultural history of the United States
Award Amount:
- $45,000 stipend for 12 months
- $5,000 travel allowance
Who is the Sponsor? The Smithsonian Institution
Who is the Applicant? The Individual
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Graduate fellowship
Due Date: November each year
Eligibility: Grad student doctoral candidates
Citizenship: Unrestricted
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Smithsonian Institution Ten-Week Graduate Research Fellowships
Overview: For graduate students to conduct independent research usually before having been advanced to candidacy if in a Ph.D. program. Animal behavior, ecology, and environmental science, including an emphasis on the tropics; Anthropology, including archaeology, cultural anthropology, linguistics, and physical anthropology; Astrophysics and astronomy; Earth sciences and paleobiology; Evolutionary & systematic biology; Folklife; History of science and technology; History of art, especially American, contemporary, African, and Asian art, twentieth-century American crafts, and decorative arts; Materials research; Molecular biology; Social and cultural history of the United States.
Award Amount: $10,000
Who is the Sponsor? The Smithsonian Institution
Who is the Applicant: The individual
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Graduate Research Fellowship
Due Date: November each year
Eligibility: Grad students who are not yet candidates
Citizenship: Unrestricted
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship
Overview: For study in PhD programs for students in a variety of disciplines who have demonstrated superior academic achievement, are committed to a career in teaching and research at the college or university level in the U.S., show promise of future achievement as scholars and teachers, and are well prepared to use diversity as a resource for enriching the education of all students.
Award Amount: $27,000 annual stipend for 3 years
Who is the Sponsor? The Ford Foundation
Who is the Applicant: Coming Soon
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Graduate student fellowship
Due Date: January each year
Eligibility: Coming Soon
Citizenship: United States
#Awards: 75 per year
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Predoctoral Fellowship (Parent F31)
Overview: To enable promising predoctoral students to obtain individualized, mentored research training from outstanding faculty sponsors while conducting dissertation research in scientific health-related fields relevant to the missions of the participating NIH Institutes and Center
Award Amount:
- ~27,000 annual stipend for up to 5 years
- tuition Coming soon
- institutional allowance Coming Soon
Who is the Sponsor? National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Who is the Applicant: Coming Soon
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Graduate research fellowship
Due Date: 3 times/year
- January, May, September
- December, April, August (AIDS related)
Eligibility: Coming Soon
Citizenship: United States
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Post-doctoral Fellowship (Parent F32)
Overview: To support research training of highly promising postdoctoral candidates who have the potential to become productive, independent investigators in scientific health-related research fields relevant to the missions of the participating NIH Institutes and Centers
Award Amount:
- ~$56K annual stipend (0 yrs experience)
- ~$68K annual stipend (7+ yrs experience)
Who is the Sponsor? National Institutes of Health
Who is the Applicant: Coming Soon
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Postdoctoral Fellowship
Due Date:
- January, May, September
- December, April, August (AIDS related)
Eligibility: Coming Soon
Citizenship: Coming Soon
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Selected Professions Fellowship Program
Overview: To promote gender equity for women by providing funding in support of those pursuing a full-time course of study in targeted degree programs where women’s representation has traditionally been low.
Award Amount:
- $20K stipend disbursed in two equal payments over the fellowship term
Who is the Sponsor? American Association of University Women (AAUW)
Who is the Applicant: The individual
Who is the Awardee? The individual
Funding Type: Student Fellowship
Due Date:
- November 15
Eligibility: Applicants must be, or identify as, a woman and enrolled on a full-time basis at an institution accredited by the U.S. Department of Education, and must not already hold a master’s or professional degree.
Citizenship: United States or permanent resident
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Department of Defense National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship
Overview: The purpose of the NDSEG Fellowship is to increase the number of U.S. citizens or nationals trained in disciplines of science and engineering of military importance, develop continuing relationships with recipients and the sponsoring military service, and attract science and engineering baccalaureate graduates to pursue doctorates in DoD mission-related research areas from U.S. institutions.
Award Amount:
- The NDSEG fellowship will pay the fellows’ full tuition and required fees (excluding room and board).
- The monthly stipend is $3,600 ($43,200 annually) for fellowship tenure.
- The NDSEG fellowship will pay for the minimum health insurance coverage offered through the institution or if the institution requires health insurance coverage but does not offer it the fellow may purchase private insurance, up to a total value of $1,600
Who is the Sponsor? Department of Defense (DoD)
Who is the Applicant: The student
Who is the Awardee? The student
Funding Type: Student Fellowship
Due Date: November 1
Eligibility: Completed undergraduate work prior to starting the fellowship; be applying to, accepted to, or currently enrolled at an accredited graduate-level institution within the United States; have at least three (3) remaining years in the graduate program; and be pursuing research in alignment with one or more specific topics identified in the Department of Defense’s Broad Agency Announcements (BAAs).
Citizenship: U.S. Citizen, U.S. Dual Citizen, or U.S. National (
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Universities Research Association-Sandia Graduate Student Summer Fellowship
Overview: This program provides science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) research experiences that support Sandia National Laboratories’ (SNL) Research Foundations. Summer Fellows will conduct research in close collaboration with Sandian mentors and technical staff to engage in challenging research and development projects. They will also be included in meetings, events, and tours sponsored by the SNL Student Intern Program, and URA to support professional development and STEM network engagement.
Award Amount: The stipend will be based on location (Albuquerque, NM or Livermore, CA), participation for 3 months (12 weeks, 40 hours/week), and the Fellow’s stage of progress towards a terminal degree.
Who is the Sponsor? Universities Research Association (URA) and administered through Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE)
Who is the Applicant: The student
Who is the Awardee? The student
Funding Type: Student Fellowship
Due Date: December 1
Eligibility: Applicants must be full-time master’s or doctoral graduate students in one of the listed fields: Chemistry and Materials Sciences; Computer, Information, and Data Sciences; Earth and Geosciences; Engineering; Environmental and Marine Sciences; Life Health and Medical Sciences; Mathematics and Statistics; Physics; Science & Engineering-related.
Citizenship: U.S. Citizen
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Inquiries may be sent to with the subject line “Inquiry: URA-SNL Summer Fellowship”.
PhRMA Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship
Overview: The PhRMA Foundation Predoctoral Fellowships is a competitive external award that provides a minimum of $30,000 per year in stipend support for graduate students pursuing research in pharmaceutical sciences, biomedical sciences, and related fields.
Award Amount: $30,000 per year for 12,18 or 24 months. This award is intended solely as a stipend. However, within the yearly award amount of $30,000, up to $1,000 (maximum) per year may be used for incidentals directly associated with thesis research preparation or travel to a scientific conference in the United States.
Who is the Sponsor? PhRMA Foundation
Who is the Applicant: The student
Who is the Awardee? Payments will be made directly to the university on behalf of the awardee, with the understanding that the university will administer the funds.
Funding Type: Fellowship
Due Date: Letter of Intent Deadline April 15 at Noon (ET); Invitations to Submit Full Applications out July 1; Full Application Deadline August 28 at Noon (ET)
Eligibility: Applications (U.S. Citizen or non-U.S. Citizen) must attend an accredited U.S. university as full-time, in-residence student; will have completed most of their pre-thesis requirements (at least two years of coursework) and be engaged in thesis research as PhD candidates by the time the award is activated; should expect to complete their PhD requirements in two years or less from the time funding begins; and are expected to devote full time (including summers) to their research. Students just starting graduate school should not apply.
Citizenship: U.S. Citizen or Non-U.S. Citizen
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Overview: Recipients pursue independent research of their own choosing that supports the mission of Army Research Laboratory.
Award Amount:
- $115,000 stipend for year for up to 3 years
- Health insurance
- Paid relocation
- Professional travel allowance
Who is the Sponsor? National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine
Who is the Applicant? Individual graduate student or pre-doctoral individual
Who is the Awardee?
Funding Type: Postdoctoral Fellowship
Due Date: July each year
- By October 1 applicants must have completed all the requirements for a Ph.D. or Sc.D. degree in the physical sciences, life sciences, computational sciences, behavioral sciences, or engineering.
- Applicants who intend to defend their dissertation after October 1 are not eligible.
- As of the application deadline, applicants may not be more than five years beyond the award date of their Ph.D. or Sc.D.
- There are no citizenship requirements; however, selected fellows must successfully complete a Department of Defense clearance process, requiring a background security investigation. Foreign nationals must get further DoD approval, requiring a background investigation. If needed, J-1 research scholar visas may be sponsored for fellows; this will be determined on a case-by-case basis at the time of the award.
- Applicants must demonstrate exceptional qualifications with respect to academic and scholarly achievement, as evidenced by research and publication.
- Candidates are expected to have conducted research on a major scientific or engineering problem during their thesis work or have provided a new approach or insight evidenced by a recognized impact in their field.
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Awards Per year: 2
Program Web Page:
Life Sciences Research Foundation Postdoctoral Research Fellowships
Overview: Funds basic biological research in all areas of life science.
Award Amount:
- $66,000/year stipend
- $11,000/year research allowance
Who is the Sponsor?
- Life Sciences Research Foundation
Who is the Applicant? The Individual
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Postdoctoral Fellowship
Due Date: October each year
Eligibility: doctoral students…
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Helen Hay Whitney Foundation Postdoctoral Research Fellowships
Overview: Supports early postdoctoral research training in all basic biomedical sciences.
Award Amount:
- $68,000 year stipend
- $1,500 annual research allowance
Who is the Sponsor? Helen Hay Whitney Foundation
Who is the Applicant? The individual student
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Postdoctoral Fellowship
Due Date: June each year
Eligibility: Doctoral or pre-doc student
Citizenship: Unrestricted
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Innovation Grants
Overview: Support research on suicide from a variety of disciplines including psychiatry, medicine, psychology, genetics, epidemiology, neurobiology, sociology, nursing, health services administration, social work, and many others.
Award Amount:
- $56,000 annual stipend for 2 years
- $14,000 annual institutional allowance
Who is the Sponsor? American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
Who is the Applicant? The Individual
Who is the Awardee? Institution
Funding Type: Postdoctoral Research Fellowship
Due Date:
- Letter of Intent: August each year
- Application: November each year
Eligibility: Graduate student, pre-doc, or early career individual
Citizenship: Unrestricted
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
National Bureau of Economic Research Postdoctoral Fellowship
Overview: For study of aging and health, diversity in economics, economics of the aging workforce, fiscal policy, infrastructure economics, racial and ethnic disparities in economic outcomes, and retirement and disability policy research and transportation economics.
Award Amount: $90,000 stipend for one year
Who is the Sponsor? National Bureau of Economic Research
Who is the Applicant? The individual (?)
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Postdoctoral Fellowship
Due Date: December each year
Eligibility: Coming Soon
Citizenship: Unrestricted
Awards Per Year: ~10
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
National Bureau of Economic Research Predoctoral Fellowship
Overview: For graduate students studying the economics of aging and health, behavioral macroeconomics, consumer financial management, gender in the economy and retirement and disability policy research.
Award Amount: $27,000 stipend plus tuition for 1 year
Who is the Sponsor? National Bureau of Economic Research
Who is the Applicant? Coming soon
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Graduate fellowship
Due Date: December each year
Eligibility: Coming Soon
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
# Awards: ~20-25 each year
Program Web Page:
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship in Latino Studies
Overview: This is a dissertation writing residential fellowship.
Award Amount: $35,000 stipend plus housing allowance in Sante Fe, NM for one year
Who is the Sponsor? The School for Advanced Research
Who is the Applicant? The individual
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Graduate research fellowship
Due Date: November
Eligibility: PhD candidates who plan to write their dissertations are eligible.
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Metropolitan Museum of Art (MMA)Interdisciplinary Fellowship
Overview: For independent cross-departmental research projects that explore connections between various cultures and collections in the Museum and that go beyond traditional boundaries, bridging the visual arts and other disciplines in the humanities, social sciences, performing arts, and fine arts.. Candidates holding either an MA or MFA, or currently pursuing or holding a PhD in the arts, humanities, or social sciences may apply.
Award Amount:
- $47,000 to $57,000 stipend for one year in residence
- plus $6,000 travel allowance (for up to 6 weeks)
Who is the Sponsor? The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Who is the Applicant? The individual
Who is the Awardee? The individual
Funding Type: Graduate research fellowship
Due Date: November
Eligibility: Graduate students…
Citizenship: Unrestricted
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Smithsonian Institution Pre-doctoral Fellowships
Overview: For 3-12 months of research and study in: Animal behavior, ecology, and environmental science, including an emphasis on the tropics; Anthropology, including archaeology, cultural anthropology, linguistics, and physical anthropology; Astrophysics and astronomy; Earth sciences and paleobiology; Evolutionary & systematic biology; Folklife; History of science and technology; History of art, especially American, contemporary, African, and Asian art, twentieth-century American crafts, and decorative arts; Materials research; Molecular biology; Social and cultural history of the United States
Award Amount:
- $45,000 stipend for 12 months
- $5,000 travel allowance
Who is the Sponsor? The Smithsonian Institution
Who is the Applicant? The Individual
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Graduate fellowship
Due Date: November each year
Eligibility: Grad student doctoral candidates
Citizenship: Unrestricted
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Smithsonian Institution Ten-Week Graduate Research Fellowships
Overview: For graduate students to conduct independent research usually before having been advanced to candidacy if in a Ph.D. program. Animal behavior, ecology, and environmental science, including an emphasis on the tropics; Anthropology, including archaeology, cultural anthropology, linguistics, and physical anthropology; Astrophysics and astronomy; Earth sciences and paleobiology; Evolutionary & systematic biology; Folklife; History of science and technology; History of art, especially American, contemporary, African, and Asian art, twentieth-century American crafts, and decorative arts; Materials research; Molecular biology; Social and cultural history of the United States.
Award Amount: $10,000
Who is the Sponsor? The Smithsonian Institution
Who is the Applicant: The individual
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Graduate Research Fellowship
Due Date: November each year
Eligibility: Grad students who are not yet candidates
Citizenship: Unrestricted
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship
Overview: For study in PhD programs for students in a variety of disciplines who have demonstrated superior academic achievement, are committed to a career in teaching and research at the college or university level in the U.S., show promise of future achievement as scholars and teachers, and are well prepared to use diversity as a resource for enriching the education of all students.
Award Amount: $27,000 annual stipend for 3 years
Who is the Sponsor? The Ford Foundation
Who is the Applicant: Coming Soon
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Graduate student fellowship
Due Date: January each year
Eligibility: Coming Soon
Citizenship: United States
#Awards: 75 per year
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Predoctoral Fellowship (Parent F31)
Overview: To enable promising predoctoral students to obtain individualized, mentored research training from outstanding faculty sponsors while conducting dissertation research in scientific health-related fields relevant to the missions of the participating NIH Institutes and Center
Award Amount:
- ~27,000 annual stipend for up to 5 years
- tuition Coming soon
- institutional allowance Coming Soon
Who is the Sponsor? National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Who is the Applicant: Coming Soon
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Graduate research fellowship
Due Date: 3 times/year
- January, May, September
- December, April, August (AIDS related)
Eligibility: Coming Soon
Citizenship: United States
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Post-doctoral Fellowship (Parent F32)
Overview: To support research training of highly promising postdoctoral candidates who have the potential to become productive, independent investigators in scientific health-related research fields relevant to the missions of the participating NIH Institutes and Centers
Award Amount:
- ~$56K annual stipend (0 yrs experience)
- ~$68K annual stipend (7+ yrs experience)
Who is the Sponsor? National Institutes of Health
Who is the Applicant: Coming Soon
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Postdoctoral Fellowship
Due Date:
- January, May, September
- December, April, August (AIDS related)
Eligibility: Coming Soon
Citizenship: Coming Soon
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Selected Professions Fellowship Program
Overview: To promote gender equity for women by providing funding in support of those pursuing a full-time course of study in targeted degree programs where women’s representation has traditionally been low.
Award Amount:
- $20K stipend disbursed in two equal payments over the fellowship term
Who is the Sponsor? American Association of University Women (AAUW)
Who is the Applicant: The individual
Who is the Awardee? The individual
Funding Type: Student Fellowship
Due Date:
- November 15
Eligibility: Applicants must be, or identify as, a woman and enrolled on a full-time basis at an institution accredited by the U.S. Department of Education, and must not already hold a master’s or professional degree.
Citizenship: United States or permanent resident
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Department of Defense National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship
Overview: The purpose of the NDSEG Fellowship is to increase the number of U.S. citizens or nationals trained in disciplines of science and engineering of military importance, develop continuing relationships with recipients and the sponsoring military service, and attract science and engineering baccalaureate graduates to pursue doctorates in DoD mission-related research areas from U.S. institutions.
Award Amount:
- The NDSEG fellowship will pay the fellows’ full tuition and required fees (excluding room and board).
- The monthly stipend is $3,600 ($43,200 annually) for fellowship tenure.
- The NDSEG fellowship will pay for the minimum health insurance coverage offered through the institution or if the institution requires health insurance coverage but does not offer it the fellow may purchase private insurance, up to a total value of $1,600
Who is the Sponsor? Department of Defense (DoD)
Who is the Applicant: The student
Who is the Awardee? The student
Funding Type: Student Fellowship
Due Date: November 1
Eligibility: Completed undergraduate work prior to starting the fellowship; be applying to, accepted to, or currently enrolled at an accredited graduate-level institution within the United States; have at least three (3) remaining years in the graduate program; and be pursuing research in alignment with one or more specific topics identified in the Department of Defense’s Broad Agency Announcements (BAAs).
Citizenship: U.S. Citizen, U.S. Dual Citizen, or U.S. National (
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Universities Research Association-Sandia Graduate Student Summer Fellowship
Overview: This program provides science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) research experiences that support Sandia National Laboratories’ (SNL) Research Foundations. Summer Fellows will conduct research in close collaboration with Sandian mentors and technical staff to engage in challenging research and development projects. They will also be included in meetings, events, and tours sponsored by the SNL Student Intern Program, and URA to support professional development and STEM network engagement.
Award Amount: The stipend will be based on location (Albuquerque, NM or Livermore, CA), participation for 3 months (12 weeks, 40 hours/week), and the Fellow’s stage of progress towards a terminal degree.
Who is the Sponsor? Universities Research Association (URA) and administered through Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE)
Who is the Applicant: The student
Who is the Awardee? The student
Funding Type: Student Fellowship
Due Date: December 1
Eligibility: Applicants must be full-time master’s or doctoral graduate students in one of the listed fields: Chemistry and Materials Sciences; Computer, Information, and Data Sciences; Earth and Geosciences; Engineering; Environmental and Marine Sciences; Life Health and Medical Sciences; Mathematics and Statistics; Physics; Science & Engineering-related.
Citizenship: U.S. Citizen
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Inquiries may be sent to with the subject line “Inquiry: URA-SNL Summer Fellowship”.
PhRMA Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship
Overview: The PhRMA Foundation Predoctoral Fellowships is a competitive external award that provides a minimum of $30,000 per year in stipend support for graduate students pursuing research in pharmaceutical sciences, biomedical sciences, and related fields.
Award Amount: $30,000 per year for 12,18 or 24 months. This award is intended solely as a stipend. However, within the yearly award amount of $30,000, up to $1,000 (maximum) per year may be used for incidentals directly associated with thesis research preparation or travel to a scientific conference in the United States.
Who is the Sponsor? PhRMA Foundation
Who is the Applicant: The student
Who is the Awardee? Payments will be made directly to the university on behalf of the awardee, with the understanding that the university will administer the funds.
Funding Type: Fellowship
Due Date: Letter of Intent Deadline April 15 at Noon (ET); Invitations to Submit Full Applications out July 1; Full Application Deadline August 28 at Noon (ET)
Eligibility: Applications (U.S. Citizen or non-U.S. Citizen) must attend an accredited U.S. university as full-time, in-residence student; will have completed most of their pre-thesis requirements (at least two years of coursework) and be engaged in thesis research as PhD candidates by the time the award is activated; should expect to complete their PhD requirements in two years or less from the time funding begins; and are expected to devote full time (including summers) to their research. Students just starting graduate school should not apply.
Citizenship: U.S. Citizen or Non-U.S. Citizen
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Overview: Supports early postdoctoral research training in all basic biomedical sciences.
Award Amount:
- $68,000 year stipend
- $1,500 annual research allowance
Who is the Sponsor? Helen Hay Whitney Foundation
Who is the Applicant? The individual student
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Postdoctoral Fellowship
Due Date: June each year
Eligibility: Doctoral or pre-doc student
Citizenship: Unrestricted
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Innovation Grants
Overview: Support research on suicide from a variety of disciplines including psychiatry, medicine, psychology, genetics, epidemiology, neurobiology, sociology, nursing, health services administration, social work, and many others.
Award Amount:
- $56,000 annual stipend for 2 years
- $14,000 annual institutional allowance
Who is the Sponsor? American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
Who is the Applicant? The Individual
Who is the Awardee? Institution
Funding Type: Postdoctoral Research Fellowship
Due Date:
- Letter of Intent: August each year
- Application: November each year
Eligibility: Graduate student, pre-doc, or early career individual
Citizenship: Unrestricted
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
National Bureau of Economic Research Postdoctoral Fellowship
Overview: For study of aging and health, diversity in economics, economics of the aging workforce, fiscal policy, infrastructure economics, racial and ethnic disparities in economic outcomes, and retirement and disability policy research and transportation economics.
Award Amount: $90,000 stipend for one year
Who is the Sponsor? National Bureau of Economic Research
Who is the Applicant? The individual (?)
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Postdoctoral Fellowship
Due Date: December each year
Eligibility: Coming Soon
Citizenship: Unrestricted
Awards Per Year: ~10
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
National Bureau of Economic Research Predoctoral Fellowship
Overview: For graduate students studying the economics of aging and health, behavioral macroeconomics, consumer financial management, gender in the economy and retirement and disability policy research.
Award Amount: $27,000 stipend plus tuition for 1 year
Who is the Sponsor? National Bureau of Economic Research
Who is the Applicant? Coming soon
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Graduate fellowship
Due Date: December each year
Eligibility: Coming Soon
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
# Awards: ~20-25 each year
Program Web Page:
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship in Latino Studies
Overview: This is a dissertation writing residential fellowship.
Award Amount: $35,000 stipend plus housing allowance in Sante Fe, NM for one year
Who is the Sponsor? The School for Advanced Research
Who is the Applicant? The individual
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Graduate research fellowship
Due Date: November
Eligibility: PhD candidates who plan to write their dissertations are eligible.
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Metropolitan Museum of Art (MMA)Interdisciplinary Fellowship
Overview: For independent cross-departmental research projects that explore connections between various cultures and collections in the Museum and that go beyond traditional boundaries, bridging the visual arts and other disciplines in the humanities, social sciences, performing arts, and fine arts.. Candidates holding either an MA or MFA, or currently pursuing or holding a PhD in the arts, humanities, or social sciences may apply.
Award Amount:
- $47,000 to $57,000 stipend for one year in residence
- plus $6,000 travel allowance (for up to 6 weeks)
Who is the Sponsor? The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Who is the Applicant? The individual
Who is the Awardee? The individual
Funding Type: Graduate research fellowship
Due Date: November
Eligibility: Graduate students…
Citizenship: Unrestricted
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Smithsonian Institution Pre-doctoral Fellowships
Overview: For 3-12 months of research and study in: Animal behavior, ecology, and environmental science, including an emphasis on the tropics; Anthropology, including archaeology, cultural anthropology, linguistics, and physical anthropology; Astrophysics and astronomy; Earth sciences and paleobiology; Evolutionary & systematic biology; Folklife; History of science and technology; History of art, especially American, contemporary, African, and Asian art, twentieth-century American crafts, and decorative arts; Materials research; Molecular biology; Social and cultural history of the United States
Award Amount:
- $45,000 stipend for 12 months
- $5,000 travel allowance
Who is the Sponsor? The Smithsonian Institution
Who is the Applicant? The Individual
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Graduate fellowship
Due Date: November each year
Eligibility: Grad student doctoral candidates
Citizenship: Unrestricted
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Smithsonian Institution Ten-Week Graduate Research Fellowships
Overview: For graduate students to conduct independent research usually before having been advanced to candidacy if in a Ph.D. program. Animal behavior, ecology, and environmental science, including an emphasis on the tropics; Anthropology, including archaeology, cultural anthropology, linguistics, and physical anthropology; Astrophysics and astronomy; Earth sciences and paleobiology; Evolutionary & systematic biology; Folklife; History of science and technology; History of art, especially American, contemporary, African, and Asian art, twentieth-century American crafts, and decorative arts; Materials research; Molecular biology; Social and cultural history of the United States.
Award Amount: $10,000
Who is the Sponsor? The Smithsonian Institution
Who is the Applicant: The individual
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Graduate Research Fellowship
Due Date: November each year
Eligibility: Grad students who are not yet candidates
Citizenship: Unrestricted
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship
Overview: For study in PhD programs for students in a variety of disciplines who have demonstrated superior academic achievement, are committed to a career in teaching and research at the college or university level in the U.S., show promise of future achievement as scholars and teachers, and are well prepared to use diversity as a resource for enriching the education of all students.
Award Amount: $27,000 annual stipend for 3 years
Who is the Sponsor? The Ford Foundation
Who is the Applicant: Coming Soon
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Graduate student fellowship
Due Date: January each year
Eligibility: Coming Soon
Citizenship: United States
#Awards: 75 per year
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Predoctoral Fellowship (Parent F31)
Overview: To enable promising predoctoral students to obtain individualized, mentored research training from outstanding faculty sponsors while conducting dissertation research in scientific health-related fields relevant to the missions of the participating NIH Institutes and Center
Award Amount:
- ~27,000 annual stipend for up to 5 years
- tuition Coming soon
- institutional allowance Coming Soon
Who is the Sponsor? National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Who is the Applicant: Coming Soon
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Graduate research fellowship
Due Date: 3 times/year
- January, May, September
- December, April, August (AIDS related)
Eligibility: Coming Soon
Citizenship: United States
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Post-doctoral Fellowship (Parent F32)
Overview: To support research training of highly promising postdoctoral candidates who have the potential to become productive, independent investigators in scientific health-related research fields relevant to the missions of the participating NIH Institutes and Centers
Award Amount:
- ~$56K annual stipend (0 yrs experience)
- ~$68K annual stipend (7+ yrs experience)
Who is the Sponsor? National Institutes of Health
Who is the Applicant: Coming Soon
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Postdoctoral Fellowship
Due Date:
- January, May, September
- December, April, August (AIDS related)
Eligibility: Coming Soon
Citizenship: Coming Soon
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Selected Professions Fellowship Program
Overview: To promote gender equity for women by providing funding in support of those pursuing a full-time course of study in targeted degree programs where women’s representation has traditionally been low.
Award Amount:
- $20K stipend disbursed in two equal payments over the fellowship term
Who is the Sponsor? American Association of University Women (AAUW)
Who is the Applicant: The individual
Who is the Awardee? The individual
Funding Type: Student Fellowship
Due Date:
- November 15
Eligibility: Applicants must be, or identify as, a woman and enrolled on a full-time basis at an institution accredited by the U.S. Department of Education, and must not already hold a master’s or professional degree.
Citizenship: United States or permanent resident
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Department of Defense National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship
Overview: The purpose of the NDSEG Fellowship is to increase the number of U.S. citizens or nationals trained in disciplines of science and engineering of military importance, develop continuing relationships with recipients and the sponsoring military service, and attract science and engineering baccalaureate graduates to pursue doctorates in DoD mission-related research areas from U.S. institutions.
Award Amount:
- The NDSEG fellowship will pay the fellows’ full tuition and required fees (excluding room and board).
- The monthly stipend is $3,600 ($43,200 annually) for fellowship tenure.
- The NDSEG fellowship will pay for the minimum health insurance coverage offered through the institution or if the institution requires health insurance coverage but does not offer it the fellow may purchase private insurance, up to a total value of $1,600
Who is the Sponsor? Department of Defense (DoD)
Who is the Applicant: The student
Who is the Awardee? The student
Funding Type: Student Fellowship
Due Date: November 1
Eligibility: Completed undergraduate work prior to starting the fellowship; be applying to, accepted to, or currently enrolled at an accredited graduate-level institution within the United States; have at least three (3) remaining years in the graduate program; and be pursuing research in alignment with one or more specific topics identified in the Department of Defense’s Broad Agency Announcements (BAAs).
Citizenship: U.S. Citizen, U.S. Dual Citizen, or U.S. National (
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Universities Research Association-Sandia Graduate Student Summer Fellowship
Overview: This program provides science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) research experiences that support Sandia National Laboratories’ (SNL) Research Foundations. Summer Fellows will conduct research in close collaboration with Sandian mentors and technical staff to engage in challenging research and development projects. They will also be included in meetings, events, and tours sponsored by the SNL Student Intern Program, and URA to support professional development and STEM network engagement.
Award Amount: The stipend will be based on location (Albuquerque, NM or Livermore, CA), participation for 3 months (12 weeks, 40 hours/week), and the Fellow’s stage of progress towards a terminal degree.
Who is the Sponsor? Universities Research Association (URA) and administered through Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE)
Who is the Applicant: The student
Who is the Awardee? The student
Funding Type: Student Fellowship
Due Date: December 1
Eligibility: Applicants must be full-time master’s or doctoral graduate students in one of the listed fields: Chemistry and Materials Sciences; Computer, Information, and Data Sciences; Earth and Geosciences; Engineering; Environmental and Marine Sciences; Life Health and Medical Sciences; Mathematics and Statistics; Physics; Science & Engineering-related.
Citizenship: U.S. Citizen
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Inquiries may be sent to with the subject line “Inquiry: URA-SNL Summer Fellowship”.
PhRMA Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship
Overview: The PhRMA Foundation Predoctoral Fellowships is a competitive external award that provides a minimum of $30,000 per year in stipend support for graduate students pursuing research in pharmaceutical sciences, biomedical sciences, and related fields.
Award Amount: $30,000 per year for 12,18 or 24 months. This award is intended solely as a stipend. However, within the yearly award amount of $30,000, up to $1,000 (maximum) per year may be used for incidentals directly associated with thesis research preparation or travel to a scientific conference in the United States.
Who is the Sponsor? PhRMA Foundation
Who is the Applicant: The student
Who is the Awardee? Payments will be made directly to the university on behalf of the awardee, with the understanding that the university will administer the funds.
Funding Type: Fellowship
Due Date: Letter of Intent Deadline April 15 at Noon (ET); Invitations to Submit Full Applications out July 1; Full Application Deadline August 28 at Noon (ET)
Eligibility: Applications (U.S. Citizen or non-U.S. Citizen) must attend an accredited U.S. university as full-time, in-residence student; will have completed most of their pre-thesis requirements (at least two years of coursework) and be engaged in thesis research as PhD candidates by the time the award is activated; should expect to complete their PhD requirements in two years or less from the time funding begins; and are expected to devote full time (including summers) to their research. Students just starting graduate school should not apply.
Citizenship: U.S. Citizen or Non-U.S. Citizen
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Overview: For study of aging and health, diversity in economics, economics of the aging workforce, fiscal policy, infrastructure economics, racial and ethnic disparities in economic outcomes, and retirement and disability policy research and transportation economics.
Award Amount: $90,000 stipend for one year
Who is the Sponsor? National Bureau of Economic Research
Who is the Applicant? The individual (?)
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Postdoctoral Fellowship
Due Date: December each year
Eligibility: Coming Soon
Citizenship: Unrestricted
Awards Per Year: ~10
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
National Bureau of Economic Research Predoctoral Fellowship
Overview: For graduate students studying the economics of aging and health, behavioral macroeconomics, consumer financial management, gender in the economy and retirement and disability policy research.
Award Amount: $27,000 stipend plus tuition for 1 year
Who is the Sponsor? National Bureau of Economic Research
Who is the Applicant? Coming soon
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Graduate fellowship
Due Date: December each year
Eligibility: Coming Soon
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
# Awards: ~20-25 each year
Program Web Page:
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship in Latino Studies
Overview: This is a dissertation writing residential fellowship.
Award Amount: $35,000 stipend plus housing allowance in Sante Fe, NM for one year
Who is the Sponsor? The School for Advanced Research
Who is the Applicant? The individual
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Graduate research fellowship
Due Date: November
Eligibility: PhD candidates who plan to write their dissertations are eligible.
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Metropolitan Museum of Art (MMA)Interdisciplinary Fellowship
Overview: For independent cross-departmental research projects that explore connections between various cultures and collections in the Museum and that go beyond traditional boundaries, bridging the visual arts and other disciplines in the humanities, social sciences, performing arts, and fine arts.. Candidates holding either an MA or MFA, or currently pursuing or holding a PhD in the arts, humanities, or social sciences may apply.
Award Amount:
- $47,000 to $57,000 stipend for one year in residence
- plus $6,000 travel allowance (for up to 6 weeks)
Who is the Sponsor? The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Who is the Applicant? The individual
Who is the Awardee? The individual
Funding Type: Graduate research fellowship
Due Date: November
Eligibility: Graduate students…
Citizenship: Unrestricted
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Smithsonian Institution Pre-doctoral Fellowships
Overview: For 3-12 months of research and study in: Animal behavior, ecology, and environmental science, including an emphasis on the tropics; Anthropology, including archaeology, cultural anthropology, linguistics, and physical anthropology; Astrophysics and astronomy; Earth sciences and paleobiology; Evolutionary & systematic biology; Folklife; History of science and technology; History of art, especially American, contemporary, African, and Asian art, twentieth-century American crafts, and decorative arts; Materials research; Molecular biology; Social and cultural history of the United States
Award Amount:
- $45,000 stipend for 12 months
- $5,000 travel allowance
Who is the Sponsor? The Smithsonian Institution
Who is the Applicant? The Individual
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Graduate fellowship
Due Date: November each year
Eligibility: Grad student doctoral candidates
Citizenship: Unrestricted
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Smithsonian Institution Ten-Week Graduate Research Fellowships
Overview: For graduate students to conduct independent research usually before having been advanced to candidacy if in a Ph.D. program. Animal behavior, ecology, and environmental science, including an emphasis on the tropics; Anthropology, including archaeology, cultural anthropology, linguistics, and physical anthropology; Astrophysics and astronomy; Earth sciences and paleobiology; Evolutionary & systematic biology; Folklife; History of science and technology; History of art, especially American, contemporary, African, and Asian art, twentieth-century American crafts, and decorative arts; Materials research; Molecular biology; Social and cultural history of the United States.
Award Amount: $10,000
Who is the Sponsor? The Smithsonian Institution
Who is the Applicant: The individual
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Graduate Research Fellowship
Due Date: November each year
Eligibility: Grad students who are not yet candidates
Citizenship: Unrestricted
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship
Overview: For study in PhD programs for students in a variety of disciplines who have demonstrated superior academic achievement, are committed to a career in teaching and research at the college or university level in the U.S., show promise of future achievement as scholars and teachers, and are well prepared to use diversity as a resource for enriching the education of all students.
Award Amount: $27,000 annual stipend for 3 years
Who is the Sponsor? The Ford Foundation
Who is the Applicant: Coming Soon
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Graduate student fellowship
Due Date: January each year
Eligibility: Coming Soon
Citizenship: United States
#Awards: 75 per year
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Predoctoral Fellowship (Parent F31)
Overview: To enable promising predoctoral students to obtain individualized, mentored research training from outstanding faculty sponsors while conducting dissertation research in scientific health-related fields relevant to the missions of the participating NIH Institutes and Center
Award Amount:
- ~27,000 annual stipend for up to 5 years
- tuition Coming soon
- institutional allowance Coming Soon
Who is the Sponsor? National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Who is the Applicant: Coming Soon
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Graduate research fellowship
Due Date: 3 times/year
- January, May, September
- December, April, August (AIDS related)
Eligibility: Coming Soon
Citizenship: United States
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Post-doctoral Fellowship (Parent F32)
Overview: To support research training of highly promising postdoctoral candidates who have the potential to become productive, independent investigators in scientific health-related research fields relevant to the missions of the participating NIH Institutes and Centers
Award Amount:
- ~$56K annual stipend (0 yrs experience)
- ~$68K annual stipend (7+ yrs experience)
Who is the Sponsor? National Institutes of Health
Who is the Applicant: Coming Soon
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Postdoctoral Fellowship
Due Date:
- January, May, September
- December, April, August (AIDS related)
Eligibility: Coming Soon
Citizenship: Coming Soon
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Selected Professions Fellowship Program
Overview: To promote gender equity for women by providing funding in support of those pursuing a full-time course of study in targeted degree programs where women’s representation has traditionally been low.
Award Amount:
- $20K stipend disbursed in two equal payments over the fellowship term
Who is the Sponsor? American Association of University Women (AAUW)
Who is the Applicant: The individual
Who is the Awardee? The individual
Funding Type: Student Fellowship
Due Date:
- November 15
Eligibility: Applicants must be, or identify as, a woman and enrolled on a full-time basis at an institution accredited by the U.S. Department of Education, and must not already hold a master’s or professional degree.
Citizenship: United States or permanent resident
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Department of Defense National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship
Overview: The purpose of the NDSEG Fellowship is to increase the number of U.S. citizens or nationals trained in disciplines of science and engineering of military importance, develop continuing relationships with recipients and the sponsoring military service, and attract science and engineering baccalaureate graduates to pursue doctorates in DoD mission-related research areas from U.S. institutions.
Award Amount:
- The NDSEG fellowship will pay the fellows’ full tuition and required fees (excluding room and board).
- The monthly stipend is $3,600 ($43,200 annually) for fellowship tenure.
- The NDSEG fellowship will pay for the minimum health insurance coverage offered through the institution or if the institution requires health insurance coverage but does not offer it the fellow may purchase private insurance, up to a total value of $1,600
Who is the Sponsor? Department of Defense (DoD)
Who is the Applicant: The student
Who is the Awardee? The student
Funding Type: Student Fellowship
Due Date: November 1
Eligibility: Completed undergraduate work prior to starting the fellowship; be applying to, accepted to, or currently enrolled at an accredited graduate-level institution within the United States; have at least three (3) remaining years in the graduate program; and be pursuing research in alignment with one or more specific topics identified in the Department of Defense’s Broad Agency Announcements (BAAs).
Citizenship: U.S. Citizen, U.S. Dual Citizen, or U.S. National (
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Universities Research Association-Sandia Graduate Student Summer Fellowship
Overview: This program provides science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) research experiences that support Sandia National Laboratories’ (SNL) Research Foundations. Summer Fellows will conduct research in close collaboration with Sandian mentors and technical staff to engage in challenging research and development projects. They will also be included in meetings, events, and tours sponsored by the SNL Student Intern Program, and URA to support professional development and STEM network engagement.
Award Amount: The stipend will be based on location (Albuquerque, NM or Livermore, CA), participation for 3 months (12 weeks, 40 hours/week), and the Fellow’s stage of progress towards a terminal degree.
Who is the Sponsor? Universities Research Association (URA) and administered through Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE)
Who is the Applicant: The student
Who is the Awardee? The student
Funding Type: Student Fellowship
Due Date: December 1
Eligibility: Applicants must be full-time master’s or doctoral graduate students in one of the listed fields: Chemistry and Materials Sciences; Computer, Information, and Data Sciences; Earth and Geosciences; Engineering; Environmental and Marine Sciences; Life Health and Medical Sciences; Mathematics and Statistics; Physics; Science & Engineering-related.
Citizenship: U.S. Citizen
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Inquiries may be sent to with the subject line “Inquiry: URA-SNL Summer Fellowship”.
PhRMA Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship
Overview: The PhRMA Foundation Predoctoral Fellowships is a competitive external award that provides a minimum of $30,000 per year in stipend support for graduate students pursuing research in pharmaceutical sciences, biomedical sciences, and related fields.
Award Amount: $30,000 per year for 12,18 or 24 months. This award is intended solely as a stipend. However, within the yearly award amount of $30,000, up to $1,000 (maximum) per year may be used for incidentals directly associated with thesis research preparation or travel to a scientific conference in the United States.
Who is the Sponsor? PhRMA Foundation
Who is the Applicant: The student
Who is the Awardee? Payments will be made directly to the university on behalf of the awardee, with the understanding that the university will administer the funds.
Funding Type: Fellowship
Due Date: Letter of Intent Deadline April 15 at Noon (ET); Invitations to Submit Full Applications out July 1; Full Application Deadline August 28 at Noon (ET)
Eligibility: Applications (U.S. Citizen or non-U.S. Citizen) must attend an accredited U.S. university as full-time, in-residence student; will have completed most of their pre-thesis requirements (at least two years of coursework) and be engaged in thesis research as PhD candidates by the time the award is activated; should expect to complete their PhD requirements in two years or less from the time funding begins; and are expected to devote full time (including summers) to their research. Students just starting graduate school should not apply.
Citizenship: U.S. Citizen or Non-U.S. Citizen
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Overview: This is a dissertation writing residential fellowship.
Award Amount: $35,000 stipend plus housing allowance in Sante Fe, NM for one year
Who is the Sponsor? The School for Advanced Research
Who is the Applicant? The individual
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Graduate research fellowship
Due Date: November
Eligibility: PhD candidates who plan to write their dissertations are eligible.
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Metropolitan Museum of Art (MMA)Interdisciplinary Fellowship
Overview: For independent cross-departmental research projects that explore connections between various cultures and collections in the Museum and that go beyond traditional boundaries, bridging the visual arts and other disciplines in the humanities, social sciences, performing arts, and fine arts.. Candidates holding either an MA or MFA, or currently pursuing or holding a PhD in the arts, humanities, or social sciences may apply.
Award Amount:
- $47,000 to $57,000 stipend for one year in residence
- plus $6,000 travel allowance (for up to 6 weeks)
Who is the Sponsor? The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Who is the Applicant? The individual
Who is the Awardee? The individual
Funding Type: Graduate research fellowship
Due Date: November
Eligibility: Graduate students…
Citizenship: Unrestricted
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Smithsonian Institution Pre-doctoral Fellowships
Overview: For 3-12 months of research and study in: Animal behavior, ecology, and environmental science, including an emphasis on the tropics; Anthropology, including archaeology, cultural anthropology, linguistics, and physical anthropology; Astrophysics and astronomy; Earth sciences and paleobiology; Evolutionary & systematic biology; Folklife; History of science and technology; History of art, especially American, contemporary, African, and Asian art, twentieth-century American crafts, and decorative arts; Materials research; Molecular biology; Social and cultural history of the United States
Award Amount:
- $45,000 stipend for 12 months
- $5,000 travel allowance
Who is the Sponsor? The Smithsonian Institution
Who is the Applicant? The Individual
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Graduate fellowship
Due Date: November each year
Eligibility: Grad student doctoral candidates
Citizenship: Unrestricted
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Smithsonian Institution Ten-Week Graduate Research Fellowships
Overview: For graduate students to conduct independent research usually before having been advanced to candidacy if in a Ph.D. program. Animal behavior, ecology, and environmental science, including an emphasis on the tropics; Anthropology, including archaeology, cultural anthropology, linguistics, and physical anthropology; Astrophysics and astronomy; Earth sciences and paleobiology; Evolutionary & systematic biology; Folklife; History of science and technology; History of art, especially American, contemporary, African, and Asian art, twentieth-century American crafts, and decorative arts; Materials research; Molecular biology; Social and cultural history of the United States.
Award Amount: $10,000
Who is the Sponsor? The Smithsonian Institution
Who is the Applicant: The individual
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Graduate Research Fellowship
Due Date: November each year
Eligibility: Grad students who are not yet candidates
Citizenship: Unrestricted
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship
Overview: For study in PhD programs for students in a variety of disciplines who have demonstrated superior academic achievement, are committed to a career in teaching and research at the college or university level in the U.S., show promise of future achievement as scholars and teachers, and are well prepared to use diversity as a resource for enriching the education of all students.
Award Amount: $27,000 annual stipend for 3 years
Who is the Sponsor? The Ford Foundation
Who is the Applicant: Coming Soon
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Graduate student fellowship
Due Date: January each year
Eligibility: Coming Soon
Citizenship: United States
#Awards: 75 per year
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Predoctoral Fellowship (Parent F31)
Overview: To enable promising predoctoral students to obtain individualized, mentored research training from outstanding faculty sponsors while conducting dissertation research in scientific health-related fields relevant to the missions of the participating NIH Institutes and Center
Award Amount:
- ~27,000 annual stipend for up to 5 years
- tuition Coming soon
- institutional allowance Coming Soon
Who is the Sponsor? National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Who is the Applicant: Coming Soon
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Graduate research fellowship
Due Date: 3 times/year
- January, May, September
- December, April, August (AIDS related)
Eligibility: Coming Soon
Citizenship: United States
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Post-doctoral Fellowship (Parent F32)
Overview: To support research training of highly promising postdoctoral candidates who have the potential to become productive, independent investigators in scientific health-related research fields relevant to the missions of the participating NIH Institutes and Centers
Award Amount:
- ~$56K annual stipend (0 yrs experience)
- ~$68K annual stipend (7+ yrs experience)
Who is the Sponsor? National Institutes of Health
Who is the Applicant: Coming Soon
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Postdoctoral Fellowship
Due Date:
- January, May, September
- December, April, August (AIDS related)
Eligibility: Coming Soon
Citizenship: Coming Soon
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Selected Professions Fellowship Program
Overview: To promote gender equity for women by providing funding in support of those pursuing a full-time course of study in targeted degree programs where women’s representation has traditionally been low.
Award Amount:
- $20K stipend disbursed in two equal payments over the fellowship term
Who is the Sponsor? American Association of University Women (AAUW)
Who is the Applicant: The individual
Who is the Awardee? The individual
Funding Type: Student Fellowship
Due Date:
- November 15
Eligibility: Applicants must be, or identify as, a woman and enrolled on a full-time basis at an institution accredited by the U.S. Department of Education, and must not already hold a master’s or professional degree.
Citizenship: United States or permanent resident
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Department of Defense National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship
Overview: The purpose of the NDSEG Fellowship is to increase the number of U.S. citizens or nationals trained in disciplines of science and engineering of military importance, develop continuing relationships with recipients and the sponsoring military service, and attract science and engineering baccalaureate graduates to pursue doctorates in DoD mission-related research areas from U.S. institutions.
Award Amount:
- The NDSEG fellowship will pay the fellows’ full tuition and required fees (excluding room and board).
- The monthly stipend is $3,600 ($43,200 annually) for fellowship tenure.
- The NDSEG fellowship will pay for the minimum health insurance coverage offered through the institution or if the institution requires health insurance coverage but does not offer it the fellow may purchase private insurance, up to a total value of $1,600
Who is the Sponsor? Department of Defense (DoD)
Who is the Applicant: The student
Who is the Awardee? The student
Funding Type: Student Fellowship
Due Date: November 1
Eligibility: Completed undergraduate work prior to starting the fellowship; be applying to, accepted to, or currently enrolled at an accredited graduate-level institution within the United States; have at least three (3) remaining years in the graduate program; and be pursuing research in alignment with one or more specific topics identified in the Department of Defense’s Broad Agency Announcements (BAAs).
Citizenship: U.S. Citizen, U.S. Dual Citizen, or U.S. National (
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Universities Research Association-Sandia Graduate Student Summer Fellowship
Overview: This program provides science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) research experiences that support Sandia National Laboratories’ (SNL) Research Foundations. Summer Fellows will conduct research in close collaboration with Sandian mentors and technical staff to engage in challenging research and development projects. They will also be included in meetings, events, and tours sponsored by the SNL Student Intern Program, and URA to support professional development and STEM network engagement.
Award Amount: The stipend will be based on location (Albuquerque, NM or Livermore, CA), participation for 3 months (12 weeks, 40 hours/week), and the Fellow’s stage of progress towards a terminal degree.
Who is the Sponsor? Universities Research Association (URA) and administered through Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE)
Who is the Applicant: The student
Who is the Awardee? The student
Funding Type: Student Fellowship
Due Date: December 1
Eligibility: Applicants must be full-time master’s or doctoral graduate students in one of the listed fields: Chemistry and Materials Sciences; Computer, Information, and Data Sciences; Earth and Geosciences; Engineering; Environmental and Marine Sciences; Life Health and Medical Sciences; Mathematics and Statistics; Physics; Science & Engineering-related.
Citizenship: U.S. Citizen
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Inquiries may be sent to with the subject line “Inquiry: URA-SNL Summer Fellowship”.
PhRMA Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship
Overview: The PhRMA Foundation Predoctoral Fellowships is a competitive external award that provides a minimum of $30,000 per year in stipend support for graduate students pursuing research in pharmaceutical sciences, biomedical sciences, and related fields.
Award Amount: $30,000 per year for 12,18 or 24 months. This award is intended solely as a stipend. However, within the yearly award amount of $30,000, up to $1,000 (maximum) per year may be used for incidentals directly associated with thesis research preparation or travel to a scientific conference in the United States.
Who is the Sponsor? PhRMA Foundation
Who is the Applicant: The student
Who is the Awardee? Payments will be made directly to the university on behalf of the awardee, with the understanding that the university will administer the funds.
Funding Type: Fellowship
Due Date: Letter of Intent Deadline April 15 at Noon (ET); Invitations to Submit Full Applications out July 1; Full Application Deadline August 28 at Noon (ET)
Eligibility: Applications (U.S. Citizen or non-U.S. Citizen) must attend an accredited U.S. university as full-time, in-residence student; will have completed most of their pre-thesis requirements (at least two years of coursework) and be engaged in thesis research as PhD candidates by the time the award is activated; should expect to complete their PhD requirements in two years or less from the time funding begins; and are expected to devote full time (including summers) to their research. Students just starting graduate school should not apply.
Citizenship: U.S. Citizen or Non-U.S. Citizen
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Overview: For 3-12 months of research and study in: Animal behavior, ecology, and environmental science, including an emphasis on the tropics; Anthropology, including archaeology, cultural anthropology, linguistics, and physical anthropology; Astrophysics and astronomy; Earth sciences and paleobiology; Evolutionary & systematic biology; Folklife; History of science and technology; History of art, especially American, contemporary, African, and Asian art, twentieth-century American crafts, and decorative arts; Materials research; Molecular biology; Social and cultural history of the United States
Award Amount:
- $45,000 stipend for 12 months
- $5,000 travel allowance
Who is the Sponsor? The Smithsonian Institution
Who is the Applicant? The Individual
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Graduate fellowship
Due Date: November each year
Eligibility: Grad student doctoral candidates
Citizenship: Unrestricted
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Smithsonian Institution Ten-Week Graduate Research Fellowships
Overview: For graduate students to conduct independent research usually before having been advanced to candidacy if in a Ph.D. program. Animal behavior, ecology, and environmental science, including an emphasis on the tropics; Anthropology, including archaeology, cultural anthropology, linguistics, and physical anthropology; Astrophysics and astronomy; Earth sciences and paleobiology; Evolutionary & systematic biology; Folklife; History of science and technology; History of art, especially American, contemporary, African, and Asian art, twentieth-century American crafts, and decorative arts; Materials research; Molecular biology; Social and cultural history of the United States.
Award Amount: $10,000
Who is the Sponsor? The Smithsonian Institution
Who is the Applicant: The individual
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Graduate Research Fellowship
Due Date: November each year
Eligibility: Grad students who are not yet candidates
Citizenship: Unrestricted
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship
Overview: For study in PhD programs for students in a variety of disciplines who have demonstrated superior academic achievement, are committed to a career in teaching and research at the college or university level in the U.S., show promise of future achievement as scholars and teachers, and are well prepared to use diversity as a resource for enriching the education of all students.
Award Amount: $27,000 annual stipend for 3 years
Who is the Sponsor? The Ford Foundation
Who is the Applicant: Coming Soon
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Graduate student fellowship
Due Date: January each year
Eligibility: Coming Soon
Citizenship: United States
#Awards: 75 per year
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Predoctoral Fellowship (Parent F31)
Overview: To enable promising predoctoral students to obtain individualized, mentored research training from outstanding faculty sponsors while conducting dissertation research in scientific health-related fields relevant to the missions of the participating NIH Institutes and Center
Award Amount:
- ~27,000 annual stipend for up to 5 years
- tuition Coming soon
- institutional allowance Coming Soon
Who is the Sponsor? National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Who is the Applicant: Coming Soon
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Graduate research fellowship
Due Date: 3 times/year
- January, May, September
- December, April, August (AIDS related)
Eligibility: Coming Soon
Citizenship: United States
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Post-doctoral Fellowship (Parent F32)
Overview: To support research training of highly promising postdoctoral candidates who have the potential to become productive, independent investigators in scientific health-related research fields relevant to the missions of the participating NIH Institutes and Centers
Award Amount:
- ~$56K annual stipend (0 yrs experience)
- ~$68K annual stipend (7+ yrs experience)
Who is the Sponsor? National Institutes of Health
Who is the Applicant: Coming Soon
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Postdoctoral Fellowship
Due Date:
- January, May, September
- December, April, August (AIDS related)
Eligibility: Coming Soon
Citizenship: Coming Soon
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Selected Professions Fellowship Program
Overview: To promote gender equity for women by providing funding in support of those pursuing a full-time course of study in targeted degree programs where women’s representation has traditionally been low.
Award Amount:
- $20K stipend disbursed in two equal payments over the fellowship term
Who is the Sponsor? American Association of University Women (AAUW)
Who is the Applicant: The individual
Who is the Awardee? The individual
Funding Type: Student Fellowship
Due Date:
- November 15
Eligibility: Applicants must be, or identify as, a woman and enrolled on a full-time basis at an institution accredited by the U.S. Department of Education, and must not already hold a master’s or professional degree.
Citizenship: United States or permanent resident
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Department of Defense National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship
Overview: The purpose of the NDSEG Fellowship is to increase the number of U.S. citizens or nationals trained in disciplines of science and engineering of military importance, develop continuing relationships with recipients and the sponsoring military service, and attract science and engineering baccalaureate graduates to pursue doctorates in DoD mission-related research areas from U.S. institutions.
Award Amount:
- The NDSEG fellowship will pay the fellows’ full tuition and required fees (excluding room and board).
- The monthly stipend is $3,600 ($43,200 annually) for fellowship tenure.
- The NDSEG fellowship will pay for the minimum health insurance coverage offered through the institution or if the institution requires health insurance coverage but does not offer it the fellow may purchase private insurance, up to a total value of $1,600
Who is the Sponsor? Department of Defense (DoD)
Who is the Applicant: The student
Who is the Awardee? The student
Funding Type: Student Fellowship
Due Date: November 1
Eligibility: Completed undergraduate work prior to starting the fellowship; be applying to, accepted to, or currently enrolled at an accredited graduate-level institution within the United States; have at least three (3) remaining years in the graduate program; and be pursuing research in alignment with one or more specific topics identified in the Department of Defense’s Broad Agency Announcements (BAAs).
Citizenship: U.S. Citizen, U.S. Dual Citizen, or U.S. National (
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Universities Research Association-Sandia Graduate Student Summer Fellowship
Overview: This program provides science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) research experiences that support Sandia National Laboratories’ (SNL) Research Foundations. Summer Fellows will conduct research in close collaboration with Sandian mentors and technical staff to engage in challenging research and development projects. They will also be included in meetings, events, and tours sponsored by the SNL Student Intern Program, and URA to support professional development and STEM network engagement.
Award Amount: The stipend will be based on location (Albuquerque, NM or Livermore, CA), participation for 3 months (12 weeks, 40 hours/week), and the Fellow’s stage of progress towards a terminal degree.
Who is the Sponsor? Universities Research Association (URA) and administered through Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE)
Who is the Applicant: The student
Who is the Awardee? The student
Funding Type: Student Fellowship
Due Date: December 1
Eligibility: Applicants must be full-time master’s or doctoral graduate students in one of the listed fields: Chemistry and Materials Sciences; Computer, Information, and Data Sciences; Earth and Geosciences; Engineering; Environmental and Marine Sciences; Life Health and Medical Sciences; Mathematics and Statistics; Physics; Science & Engineering-related.
Citizenship: U.S. Citizen
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Inquiries may be sent to with the subject line “Inquiry: URA-SNL Summer Fellowship”.
PhRMA Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship
Overview: The PhRMA Foundation Predoctoral Fellowships is a competitive external award that provides a minimum of $30,000 per year in stipend support for graduate students pursuing research in pharmaceutical sciences, biomedical sciences, and related fields.
Award Amount: $30,000 per year for 12,18 or 24 months. This award is intended solely as a stipend. However, within the yearly award amount of $30,000, up to $1,000 (maximum) per year may be used for incidentals directly associated with thesis research preparation or travel to a scientific conference in the United States.
Who is the Sponsor? PhRMA Foundation
Who is the Applicant: The student
Who is the Awardee? Payments will be made directly to the university on behalf of the awardee, with the understanding that the university will administer the funds.
Funding Type: Fellowship
Due Date: Letter of Intent Deadline April 15 at Noon (ET); Invitations to Submit Full Applications out July 1; Full Application Deadline August 28 at Noon (ET)
Eligibility: Applications (U.S. Citizen or non-U.S. Citizen) must attend an accredited U.S. university as full-time, in-residence student; will have completed most of their pre-thesis requirements (at least two years of coursework) and be engaged in thesis research as PhD candidates by the time the award is activated; should expect to complete their PhD requirements in two years or less from the time funding begins; and are expected to devote full time (including summers) to their research. Students just starting graduate school should not apply.
Citizenship: U.S. Citizen or Non-U.S. Citizen
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Overview: For study in PhD programs for students in a variety of disciplines who have demonstrated superior academic achievement, are committed to a career in teaching and research at the college or university level in the U.S., show promise of future achievement as scholars and teachers, and are well prepared to use diversity as a resource for enriching the education of all students.
Award Amount: $27,000 annual stipend for 3 years
Who is the Sponsor? The Ford Foundation
Who is the Applicant: Coming Soon
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Graduate student fellowship
Due Date: January each year
Eligibility: Coming Soon
Citizenship: United States
#Awards: 75 per year
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Predoctoral Fellowship (Parent F31)
Overview: To enable promising predoctoral students to obtain individualized, mentored research training from outstanding faculty sponsors while conducting dissertation research in scientific health-related fields relevant to the missions of the participating NIH Institutes and Center
Award Amount:
- ~27,000 annual stipend for up to 5 years
- tuition Coming soon
- institutional allowance Coming Soon
Who is the Sponsor? National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Who is the Applicant: Coming Soon
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Graduate research fellowship
Due Date: 3 times/year
- January, May, September
- December, April, August (AIDS related)
Eligibility: Coming Soon
Citizenship: United States
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Post-doctoral Fellowship (Parent F32)
Overview: To support research training of highly promising postdoctoral candidates who have the potential to become productive, independent investigators in scientific health-related research fields relevant to the missions of the participating NIH Institutes and Centers
Award Amount:
- ~$56K annual stipend (0 yrs experience)
- ~$68K annual stipend (7+ yrs experience)
Who is the Sponsor? National Institutes of Health
Who is the Applicant: Coming Soon
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Postdoctoral Fellowship
Due Date:
- January, May, September
- December, April, August (AIDS related)
Eligibility: Coming Soon
Citizenship: Coming Soon
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Selected Professions Fellowship Program
Overview: To promote gender equity for women by providing funding in support of those pursuing a full-time course of study in targeted degree programs where women’s representation has traditionally been low.
Award Amount:
- $20K stipend disbursed in two equal payments over the fellowship term
Who is the Sponsor? American Association of University Women (AAUW)
Who is the Applicant: The individual
Who is the Awardee? The individual
Funding Type: Student Fellowship
Due Date:
- November 15
Eligibility: Applicants must be, or identify as, a woman and enrolled on a full-time basis at an institution accredited by the U.S. Department of Education, and must not already hold a master’s or professional degree.
Citizenship: United States or permanent resident
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Department of Defense National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship
Overview: The purpose of the NDSEG Fellowship is to increase the number of U.S. citizens or nationals trained in disciplines of science and engineering of military importance, develop continuing relationships with recipients and the sponsoring military service, and attract science and engineering baccalaureate graduates to pursue doctorates in DoD mission-related research areas from U.S. institutions.
Award Amount:
- The NDSEG fellowship will pay the fellows’ full tuition and required fees (excluding room and board).
- The monthly stipend is $3,600 ($43,200 annually) for fellowship tenure.
- The NDSEG fellowship will pay for the minimum health insurance coverage offered through the institution or if the institution requires health insurance coverage but does not offer it the fellow may purchase private insurance, up to a total value of $1,600
Who is the Sponsor? Department of Defense (DoD)
Who is the Applicant: The student
Who is the Awardee? The student
Funding Type: Student Fellowship
Due Date: November 1
Eligibility: Completed undergraduate work prior to starting the fellowship; be applying to, accepted to, or currently enrolled at an accredited graduate-level institution within the United States; have at least three (3) remaining years in the graduate program; and be pursuing research in alignment with one or more specific topics identified in the Department of Defense’s Broad Agency Announcements (BAAs).
Citizenship: U.S. Citizen, U.S. Dual Citizen, or U.S. National (
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Universities Research Association-Sandia Graduate Student Summer Fellowship
Overview: This program provides science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) research experiences that support Sandia National Laboratories’ (SNL) Research Foundations. Summer Fellows will conduct research in close collaboration with Sandian mentors and technical staff to engage in challenging research and development projects. They will also be included in meetings, events, and tours sponsored by the SNL Student Intern Program, and URA to support professional development and STEM network engagement.
Award Amount: The stipend will be based on location (Albuquerque, NM or Livermore, CA), participation for 3 months (12 weeks, 40 hours/week), and the Fellow’s stage of progress towards a terminal degree.
Who is the Sponsor? Universities Research Association (URA) and administered through Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE)
Who is the Applicant: The student
Who is the Awardee? The student
Funding Type: Student Fellowship
Due Date: December 1
Eligibility: Applicants must be full-time master’s or doctoral graduate students in one of the listed fields: Chemistry and Materials Sciences; Computer, Information, and Data Sciences; Earth and Geosciences; Engineering; Environmental and Marine Sciences; Life Health and Medical Sciences; Mathematics and Statistics; Physics; Science & Engineering-related.
Citizenship: U.S. Citizen
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Inquiries may be sent to with the subject line “Inquiry: URA-SNL Summer Fellowship”.
PhRMA Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship
Overview: The PhRMA Foundation Predoctoral Fellowships is a competitive external award that provides a minimum of $30,000 per year in stipend support for graduate students pursuing research in pharmaceutical sciences, biomedical sciences, and related fields.
Award Amount: $30,000 per year for 12,18 or 24 months. This award is intended solely as a stipend. However, within the yearly award amount of $30,000, up to $1,000 (maximum) per year may be used for incidentals directly associated with thesis research preparation or travel to a scientific conference in the United States.
Who is the Sponsor? PhRMA Foundation
Who is the Applicant: The student
Who is the Awardee? Payments will be made directly to the university on behalf of the awardee, with the understanding that the university will administer the funds.
Funding Type: Fellowship
Due Date: Letter of Intent Deadline April 15 at Noon (ET); Invitations to Submit Full Applications out July 1; Full Application Deadline August 28 at Noon (ET)
Eligibility: Applications (U.S. Citizen or non-U.S. Citizen) must attend an accredited U.S. university as full-time, in-residence student; will have completed most of their pre-thesis requirements (at least two years of coursework) and be engaged in thesis research as PhD candidates by the time the award is activated; should expect to complete their PhD requirements in two years or less from the time funding begins; and are expected to devote full time (including summers) to their research. Students just starting graduate school should not apply.
Citizenship: U.S. Citizen or Non-U.S. Citizen
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Overview: To support research training of highly promising postdoctoral candidates who have the potential to become productive, independent investigators in scientific health-related research fields relevant to the missions of the participating NIH Institutes and Centers
Award Amount:
- ~$56K annual stipend (0 yrs experience)
- ~$68K annual stipend (7+ yrs experience)
Who is the Sponsor? National Institutes of Health
Who is the Applicant: Coming Soon
Who is the Awardee? Coming Soon
Funding Type: Postdoctoral Fellowship
Due Date:
- January, May, September
- December, April, August (AIDS related)
Eligibility: Coming Soon
Citizenship: Coming Soon
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Selected Professions Fellowship Program
Overview: To promote gender equity for women by providing funding in support of those pursuing a full-time course of study in targeted degree programs where women’s representation has traditionally been low.
Award Amount:
- $20K stipend disbursed in two equal payments over the fellowship term
Who is the Sponsor? American Association of University Women (AAUW)
Who is the Applicant: The individual
Who is the Awardee? The individual
Funding Type: Student Fellowship
Due Date:
- November 15
Eligibility: Applicants must be, or identify as, a woman and enrolled on a full-time basis at an institution accredited by the U.S. Department of Education, and must not already hold a master’s or professional degree.
Citizenship: United States or permanent resident
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Department of Defense National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship
Overview: The purpose of the NDSEG Fellowship is to increase the number of U.S. citizens or nationals trained in disciplines of science and engineering of military importance, develop continuing relationships with recipients and the sponsoring military service, and attract science and engineering baccalaureate graduates to pursue doctorates in DoD mission-related research areas from U.S. institutions.
Award Amount:
- The NDSEG fellowship will pay the fellows’ full tuition and required fees (excluding room and board).
- The monthly stipend is $3,600 ($43,200 annually) for fellowship tenure.
- The NDSEG fellowship will pay for the minimum health insurance coverage offered through the institution or if the institution requires health insurance coverage but does not offer it the fellow may purchase private insurance, up to a total value of $1,600
Who is the Sponsor? Department of Defense (DoD)
Who is the Applicant: The student
Who is the Awardee? The student
Funding Type: Student Fellowship
Due Date: November 1
Eligibility: Completed undergraduate work prior to starting the fellowship; be applying to, accepted to, or currently enrolled at an accredited graduate-level institution within the United States; have at least three (3) remaining years in the graduate program; and be pursuing research in alignment with one or more specific topics identified in the Department of Defense’s Broad Agency Announcements (BAAs).
Citizenship: U.S. Citizen, U.S. Dual Citizen, or U.S. National (
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Universities Research Association-Sandia Graduate Student Summer Fellowship
Overview: This program provides science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) research experiences that support Sandia National Laboratories’ (SNL) Research Foundations. Summer Fellows will conduct research in close collaboration with Sandian mentors and technical staff to engage in challenging research and development projects. They will also be included in meetings, events, and tours sponsored by the SNL Student Intern Program, and URA to support professional development and STEM network engagement.
Award Amount: The stipend will be based on location (Albuquerque, NM or Livermore, CA), participation for 3 months (12 weeks, 40 hours/week), and the Fellow’s stage of progress towards a terminal degree.
Who is the Sponsor? Universities Research Association (URA) and administered through Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE)
Who is the Applicant: The student
Who is the Awardee? The student
Funding Type: Student Fellowship
Due Date: December 1
Eligibility: Applicants must be full-time master’s or doctoral graduate students in one of the listed fields: Chemistry and Materials Sciences; Computer, Information, and Data Sciences; Earth and Geosciences; Engineering; Environmental and Marine Sciences; Life Health and Medical Sciences; Mathematics and Statistics; Physics; Science & Engineering-related.
Citizenship: U.S. Citizen
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Inquiries may be sent to with the subject line “Inquiry: URA-SNL Summer Fellowship”.
PhRMA Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship
Overview: The PhRMA Foundation Predoctoral Fellowships is a competitive external award that provides a minimum of $30,000 per year in stipend support for graduate students pursuing research in pharmaceutical sciences, biomedical sciences, and related fields.
Award Amount: $30,000 per year for 12,18 or 24 months. This award is intended solely as a stipend. However, within the yearly award amount of $30,000, up to $1,000 (maximum) per year may be used for incidentals directly associated with thesis research preparation or travel to a scientific conference in the United States.
Who is the Sponsor? PhRMA Foundation
Who is the Applicant: The student
Who is the Awardee? Payments will be made directly to the university on behalf of the awardee, with the understanding that the university will administer the funds.
Funding Type: Fellowship
Due Date: Letter of Intent Deadline April 15 at Noon (ET); Invitations to Submit Full Applications out July 1; Full Application Deadline August 28 at Noon (ET)
Eligibility: Applications (U.S. Citizen or non-U.S. Citizen) must attend an accredited U.S. university as full-time, in-residence student; will have completed most of their pre-thesis requirements (at least two years of coursework) and be engaged in thesis research as PhD candidates by the time the award is activated; should expect to complete their PhD requirements in two years or less from the time funding begins; and are expected to devote full time (including summers) to their research. Students just starting graduate school should not apply.
Citizenship: U.S. Citizen or Non-U.S. Citizen
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Overview: The purpose of the NDSEG Fellowship is to increase the number of U.S. citizens or nationals trained in disciplines of science and engineering of military importance, develop continuing relationships with recipients and the sponsoring military service, and attract science and engineering baccalaureate graduates to pursue doctorates in DoD mission-related research areas from U.S. institutions.
Award Amount:
- The NDSEG fellowship will pay the fellows’ full tuition and required fees (excluding room and board).
- The monthly stipend is $3,600 ($43,200 annually) for fellowship tenure.
- The NDSEG fellowship will pay for the minimum health insurance coverage offered through the institution or if the institution requires health insurance coverage but does not offer it the fellow may purchase private insurance, up to a total value of $1,600
Who is the Sponsor? Department of Defense (DoD)
Who is the Applicant: The student
Who is the Awardee? The student
Funding Type: Student Fellowship
Due Date: November 1
Eligibility: Completed undergraduate work prior to starting the fellowship; be applying to, accepted to, or currently enrolled at an accredited graduate-level institution within the United States; have at least three (3) remaining years in the graduate program; and be pursuing research in alignment with one or more specific topics identified in the Department of Defense’s Broad Agency Announcements (BAAs).
Citizenship: U.S. Citizen, U.S. Dual Citizen, or U.S. National (
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Universities Research Association-Sandia Graduate Student Summer Fellowship
Overview: This program provides science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) research experiences that support Sandia National Laboratories’ (SNL) Research Foundations. Summer Fellows will conduct research in close collaboration with Sandian mentors and technical staff to engage in challenging research and development projects. They will also be included in meetings, events, and tours sponsored by the SNL Student Intern Program, and URA to support professional development and STEM network engagement.
Award Amount: The stipend will be based on location (Albuquerque, NM or Livermore, CA), participation for 3 months (12 weeks, 40 hours/week), and the Fellow’s stage of progress towards a terminal degree.
Who is the Sponsor? Universities Research Association (URA) and administered through Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE)
Who is the Applicant: The student
Who is the Awardee? The student
Funding Type: Student Fellowship
Due Date: December 1
Eligibility: Applicants must be full-time master’s or doctoral graduate students in one of the listed fields: Chemistry and Materials Sciences; Computer, Information, and Data Sciences; Earth and Geosciences; Engineering; Environmental and Marine Sciences; Life Health and Medical Sciences; Mathematics and Statistics; Physics; Science & Engineering-related.
Citizenship: U.S. Citizen
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Inquiries may be sent to with the subject line “Inquiry: URA-SNL Summer Fellowship”.
PhRMA Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship
Overview: The PhRMA Foundation Predoctoral Fellowships is a competitive external award that provides a minimum of $30,000 per year in stipend support for graduate students pursuing research in pharmaceutical sciences, biomedical sciences, and related fields.
Award Amount: $30,000 per year for 12,18 or 24 months. This award is intended solely as a stipend. However, within the yearly award amount of $30,000, up to $1,000 (maximum) per year may be used for incidentals directly associated with thesis research preparation or travel to a scientific conference in the United States.
Who is the Sponsor? PhRMA Foundation
Who is the Applicant: The student
Who is the Awardee? Payments will be made directly to the university on behalf of the awardee, with the understanding that the university will administer the funds.
Funding Type: Fellowship
Due Date: Letter of Intent Deadline April 15 at Noon (ET); Invitations to Submit Full Applications out July 1; Full Application Deadline August 28 at Noon (ET)
Eligibility: Applications (U.S. Citizen or non-U.S. Citizen) must attend an accredited U.S. university as full-time, in-residence student; will have completed most of their pre-thesis requirements (at least two years of coursework) and be engaged in thesis research as PhD candidates by the time the award is activated; should expect to complete their PhD requirements in two years or less from the time funding begins; and are expected to devote full time (including summers) to their research. Students just starting graduate school should not apply.
Citizenship: U.S. Citizen or Non-U.S. Citizen
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page:
Overview: The PhRMA Foundation Predoctoral Fellowships is a competitive external award that provides a minimum of $30,000 per year in stipend support for graduate students pursuing research in pharmaceutical sciences, biomedical sciences, and related fields.
Award Amount: $30,000 per year for 12,18 or 24 months. This award is intended solely as a stipend. However, within the yearly award amount of $30,000, up to $1,000 (maximum) per year may be used for incidentals directly associated with thesis research preparation or travel to a scientific conference in the United States.
Who is the Sponsor? PhRMA Foundation
Who is the Applicant: The student
Who is the Awardee? Payments will be made directly to the university on behalf of the awardee, with the understanding that the university will administer the funds.
Funding Type: Fellowship
Due Date: Letter of Intent Deadline April 15 at Noon (ET); Invitations to Submit Full Applications out July 1; Full Application Deadline August 28 at Noon (ET)
Eligibility: Applications (U.S. Citizen or non-U.S. Citizen) must attend an accredited U.S. university as full-time, in-residence student; will have completed most of their pre-thesis requirements (at least two years of coursework) and be engaged in thesis research as PhD candidates by the time the award is activated; should expect to complete their PhD requirements in two years or less from the time funding begins; and are expected to devote full time (including summers) to their research. Students just starting graduate school should not apply.
Citizenship: U.S. Citizen or Non-U.S. Citizen
EFG Incentive Scholarship One-Time Amount: $500
Program Web Page: