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ORSP Research Development
University of Mississippi

Requirements for Participation

In order to be selected to participate in an ORED Research Development (RD) program (including RD-administered grant programs), a faculty member must:

  1. Be current on all required activities and programmatic reports* from previous ORED RD grants they have received or programs they have been selected to participate in over the last five (5) years;
  2. Have completed any required financial reporting from such programs and returned the balance of any unused funds for completed grants; and
  3. Have completed updating their new faculty profile page (photo and research interests) on the new Ole Miss website.

For questions or concerns, contact Research Development at

*Reports should contain information about how funds were used, what were the expected/intended outcomes, what were the actual outcomes, what students did or got from experiences (if applicable), progress to date (if part of multiple reports), products to date (if part of multiple reports), etc. Reports should be brief, but detailed enough for the reader to fully visualize progress/end result. Reports with inadequate information may be returned to the PI for additional information.