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ORSP Research Development
University of Mississippi

UM Proposal Bank

Several UM faculty members have graciously agreed to let ORSP share the narratives of their funded (or in some cases declined) proposals with their fellow UM faculty. Unless otherwise indicate, these proposal documents are for UM use only, and should not be shared outside of the university. You may not copy original ideas, sentences, or phrases from these proposals. These documents are available in Box to anyone with a UM WebId credential.

In some cases, proposers have agreed to share early drafts (and reviews of those drafts) of their proposals, sponsor reviewer comments, and scores.

If you find these documents helpful, please express your gratitude to the PIs or Project Directors who shared them, and consider “paying it forward” by sharing your past and future funded proposals and reviewer comments with your UM colleagues, through this site or otherwise. Contact from an email address to add a proposal to the bank, if corrections need to be made to page content or links, or if you are unable to access the linked Box folders. If you are a UM faculty whose proposal is listed here, and you wish for us to remove it, please let us know.

Department of Education Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need (GAANN)

Department of Education Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need (GAANN) Shared Proposals

  • Gerard Buskes, PD, 2012. Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need–Mathematics

NEH Summer Stipends

NEH Summer Stipends Shared Proposals

  • Kristin Hickman, 2021. Representations of Black Migrants in the Moroccan National Imaginary
  • Stephen Fafulas, 2022. Documenting Language Practices, Cultures and Ideologies among Indigenous Communities in the Peruvian Amazon
  • Jacqueline Dibiasie Sammons, 2022. Voices from the Ashes: The Charcoal Graffiti of Pompeii
  • Vivian Ibrahim, 2024. Tutankhamun and the Global  Cold War

NSF EPSCoR Research Fellows

NSF EPSCoR Research Fellows Shared Proposals

  • Ayla Gafni, RII Track-4: NSF: From Analytic Number Theory to Harmonic Analysis
  • Rachel Greenspan, RII Track-4: NSF: The Intersection of Social Science and the Law: Plea Bargaining Policies in Law and Practice
  • Samuel Lisi,
  • Brian Platt, RII Track-4: NSF: Establishing baseline critical zone conditions in Mississippi prior to the onset of Paleocene-Eocene hyperthermals
  • Vig Sundaresan, RII Track-4: NSF: Integrating Electrochemical-Optical Microscopy for High Throughput Screening of Electrocatalysts
  • Wen Wu, RII Track-4: NSF: Simulation and Modeling of Turbulent Flow Control via Flow-Dependent Anisotropic Surface Textures

NSF Faculty Early CAREER

NSF Faculty Early CAREER Shared Proposals

  • Nathan Hammer, 2010.
  • Amal Dass, 2012. CAREER: Monodisperse Metal Alloy Nanoparticles
  • Jared Delcamp, 2014.
  • Patrick Curtis, 2015.
  • Jonah Jurss, 2018.
  • Leo Stein, 2020. CAREER: Towards Precision Tests of General Relativity with Black Holes and Gravitational Waves
  • Y Qiu, 2022.
  • Eden Tanner, 2022. CAREER: Elucidating the Mechanism of Ionic Liquid-Coated Nanoparticles Interactions with Blood Components
    • Includes NSF reviewer scores and comments.
    • Includes enhanced reviews of early drafts.
  • Yiwei Han, 2023. CAREER: High-Resolution Hybrid Printing of Wearable Heaters with Shape-Changeable Structures.
    • Includes NSF reviewer scores and comments.

NSF Major Research Instrumentation (MRI)

NSF Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) Shared Proposals

  • James Cizdziel, 2021. MRI: Acquisition of an Advanced FTIR Imaging Microscope for Multidisciplinary Research and Training in the State of Mississippi
  • Paul Boudreau, 2023. DECLINED.
    • Includes NSF panel summary.

NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Sites

NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Sites Shared Proposals

  • Nathan Hammer (PI), 2021. REU Site: Ole Miss Physical Chemistry Summer Research Program REU
    • Includes NSF Reviews
  • Nikki Reinemann (PI), 2021. REU Site: Ole Miss Nanoengineering Summer REU Program
    • Includes NSF reviews
  • J.T. Thomas (PI), 2023. REU Site: Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Study of Race, Power, and the Politics of Place
    • Includes NSF reviews
    • The PI has indicated that this proposal may be shared beyond UM.